# DeviceAtlas Carrier Identification API # The DeviceAtlas Carrier Identification API provides a way to lookup Mobile Carrier properties based on an IPv4 IP address. Using the IP address for a Mobile Carrier the API will return properties such as _networkOperator_, _networkBrand_, _countryCode_, _mcc_ and _mnc_. ### Data File ### The Carrier API relies on a data file to function. DeviceAtlas provides daily carrier data file updates. The Carrier API has the capability to automatically download and can be configured to load the latest data file on a regular basis. If however your integration cannot make use of the automatic download and load feature it is recommended to download the data file on a regular basis. The data file can be downloaded from your account page or automated via the https://deviceatlas.com/getCarrierData page. Please see the [Data File Configuration documentation](README.DataFile.html) and the [Carrier Data guide](https://deviceatlas.com/resources/getting-the-data/carrier-data) for more information. #### Loading the data file #### The Carrier API provides multiple methods to load the data file. ##### Downloading and loading the data file ##### The following examples download the data file, save it to the file system, load it into the Carrier API and schedule an auto-download and reload to ensure the API has the latest version of data file. Please see the [Data File Configuration documentation](README.DataFile.html) to obtain the data file download URL and for data file configuration options. ```php $carrierApi = new Mobi_Mtld_DA_Carrier_CarrierApi(); $dataFileUrl = <data file download URL>; // Load using custom configuration $dataFile = DataFile::Builder($dataFileUrl)->fileDirectory(<persistent download directory>)->buildCarrierDataFile(); $carrierApi->downloadAndLoadDataFileFromUrl($dataFile); // Load using default configuration $carrierApi->downloadAndLoadDataFile($dataFileUrl); ``` ##### Loading an existing data file ##### The following examples show how to load a data file that is already on the filesystem. ```php $carrierApi = new Mobi_Mtld_DA_Carrier_CarrierApi(); // Load data from file path $carrierApi->loadDataFromFile(<data file path>); ``` ### Dependencies ### This library does not depend on any third party libraries. ### Library ### The DeviceAtlas Carrier Detection API consists of three libraries as below: #### DeviceAtlas Common (Api/) #### Contains the shared libraries which are common between the DeviceAtlas APIs. When using the CarrierApi and CarrierApiWeb, the required files from this library will be included automatically by the API. Keep the relative paths of the libraries as they are in the downloaded package. #### CarrierApi (Api/Carrier/Mobi_Mtld_Da_Carrier_CarrierApi) #### The main DeviceApi that loads the Device data and detects and returns the properties for a set of request headers or the IP address. #### DeviceApiWeb (Api/Device/Mobi_Mtld_Da_Device_DeviceApiWeb) #### A small extension to the main API that allows automatic extraction of the request headers from the request. It is prefered to use this library for real-time device detections in web applications. ### Usage ### The API can be queried by passing any of the following to either the getProperty() or the getProperties() methods. 1. An **IPv4** IP address string. _e.g. ""_ 2. An **Array** of HTTP Header names to HTTP Header values. The API will choose the most appropriate IP address to use. 3. Without arguments. The API will choose the most appropriate IP address to use from the $_SERVER when using CarrierApiWeb inside CarrierApiWeb.php. ### Choosing an IP Address ### If the API is passed either an array of HTTP Headers or nothing is passed it will try and choose the most suitable IP address for the end client. This is done by iterating over the following HTTP Headers. The first non-private, valid IP address is returned as the client IP. - X-Forwarded-For - Client-Ip - X-Client-Ip - rlnClientIpAddr - Proxy-Client-Ip - Wl-Proxy-Client-Ip - X-Forwarded - Forwarded-For - Forwarded The _X-Forwarded-For_ HTTP header can contain the client IP and multiple proxy IPs, the API parses the header to extract the client IP. ### Example ### The API has a very simple interface and can be used as follows: ```php $ip = ""; $carrierApi = new Mobi_Mtld_DA_Carrier_CarrierApi(); $dataFile = DataFile::Builder(<data file download URL>)->fileDirectory(<persistent download directory>)->buildCarrierDataFile(); $carrierApi->downloadAndLoadDataFileFromUrl($dataFile); // multiple calls will reload the data file each time // get all properties $props = carrierApi.getProperties($ip); // .... use the properties .... if ($props->containsKey('networkOperator')) { $property = $props->get('networkOperator'); $operatorName = $property->asString(); echo 'networkOperator: ' . $operatorName; } // get a single property $mccProp = $carrierApi->getProperty($ip, 'mcc'); if ($mccProp !== null) { $mcc = $mccProp->asString(); echo 'MCC: ' . $mcc; } ``` ### Included Examples ### Please see the Examples directory for example code: 1. **BasicUsage** - Simple examples using the API 2. **SingletonWrapper** - Shows how the API can be wrapped in a Singleton 3. **ExampleWebApp** - Simple page showing usage of the CarrerApiWeb class. Note: By default the examples expect a carrier data file to exist in the "[EXAMPLES-DIRECTORY]/Data/carrier-data-file.dat". Before trying the examples please place a carrier data file inside this directory or change the path to a carrier file inside the example sources. ### Master Carrier List ### For a listing of all Carrier names and associated data please see: https://deviceatlas.com/master-carrier-list The Carrier List is also available in CSV and XML formats. It can be downloaded from the above page or from the following download page using your Carrier Identification licence key: https://deviceatlas.com/getMasterCarrierList - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Copyright (c) DeviceAtlas Limited 2021. 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