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Api - Class in mobi.mtld.da
This API is deprecated, it is highly recommended to use the new "mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi" instead. See DeviceApi
Api() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.Api
API_VERSION - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
asBoolean() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Get the value of the property as a boolean.
asInteger() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Get the value of the property as an int.
asSet() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Gets a set of possible values for this property.
asString() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Get the value of the property as a String.


BAD_DATA - Static variable in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.JsonException
The data stored in the JSON cannot be used to build a valid DeviceAtlas data tree.
BaseDeviceAtlasApi - Class in mobi.mtld.da
BaseDeviceAtlasApi() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.BaseDeviceAtlasApi
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type boolean
buildCarrierDataFile() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
buildDeviceDataFile() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
BYTE - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type byte


CarrierApi - Class in mobi.mtld.da.carrier
The main class for the Carrier Detection API.
CarrierApi() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
CarrierApiWeb - Class in mobi.mtld.da.carrier
A small extension to the core CarrierApi to permit passing of a HttpServletRequest object.
CarrierApiWeb() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApiWeb
ClientPropertiesException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The ClientPropertiesException is thrown by the API when there is a problem parsing the properties from the client or when the JSON file does not support client side properties.
ClientPropertiesException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.ClientPropertiesException
ClientPropertiesException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.ClientPropertiesException
Config - Class in mobi.mtld.da.device
DeviceApi Configurations.
Config() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
contains(String, T) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Properties
Check if a property has a specific value.


DataFile - Class in mobi.mtld.da.datafile
DataFile class is used to represent data file configuration options.
DataFile.Builder - Class in mobi.mtld.da.datafile
DataFileException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The DataFileException is thrown if there is a problem loading the data file.
DataFileException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.DataFileException
DataFileException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.DataFileException
DataFileManager - Class in mobi.mtld.da.datafile
DataFileManager(DeviceAtlasApi, DataFile) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFileManager
DataReadException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The DataReadException is thrown if there is a problem loading the data from stream.
DataReadException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.DataReadException
DataReadException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.DataReadException
DataType - Class in mobi.mtld.da
The data types for various properties.
DataType() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
The default cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.
DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LANG_PROPS - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
The default config value for getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) to check the Accept-Language header and include properties to the property set for getting client's language and locale preferences.
DEFAULT_INCLUDE_MATCH_INFO - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
The default config value for getProperties() to include the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.
DEFAULT_INCLUDE_UA_PROPS - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
The default config value for getProperties() to include User-Agent dynamic properties.
DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
The default config value for result (Properties object) caching.
DEFAULT_RETURN_NULL_WHEN_NO_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
The default config value for getProperties() return value when there was no properties found.
DeviceApi - Class in mobi.mtld.da.device
The DeviceAtlas device detection API provides a way to detect devices based on the HTTP headers.
DeviceApi() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Constructs a DeviceApi instance with default config.
DeviceApi(Config) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Constructs a DeviceApi instance with custom config.
DeviceApiWeb - Class in mobi.mtld.da.device
A small extension to the core DeviceApi to permit passing of an HttpServletRequest object.
DeviceApiWeb() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApiWeb
Constructs a DeviceApiWeb instance with default config.
DeviceApiWeb(Config) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApiWeb
Constructs a DeviceApiWeb instance with custom config.
DeviceAtlasApi - Interface in mobi.mtld.da
disableScheduledDownloadAndReload(boolean) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
DOUBLE - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type double
downloadAndLoadDataFile(DataFile) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.BaseDeviceAtlasApi
Load the DeviceAtlas data file data from a URL.
downloadAndLoadDataFile(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.BaseDeviceAtlasApi
Load the DeviceAtlas data file from a URL.
downloadAndLoadDataFile(DataFile) - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.DeviceAtlasApi
downloadAndLoadDataFile(String) - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.DeviceAtlasApi
downloadAndLoadFrequencyDays(int) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
downloadAndLoadScheduleTime(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
downloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback(DownloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
DownloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback - Interface in mobi.mtld.da.datafile
downloadAndLoadTaskSuccessCallback(DownloadAndLoadTaskSuccessCallback) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
DownloadAndLoadTaskSuccessCallback - Interface in mobi.mtld.da.datafile
downloadConnectionTimeoutMilliseconds(int) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
downloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds(int) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder


equals(Object) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Check if another object is equal to this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.PropertyName


FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR - Static variable in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.JsonException
The path to the JSON file that was given cannot be resolved.
fileDirectory(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
FLOAT - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type float


getApiRevision() - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns the revision number of this API
getApiVersion() - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Returns the version of the Carrier API.
getApiVersion() - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
getCause() - Method in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.ClientPropertiesException
getCause() - Method in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.IncorrectPropertyTypeException
getCause() - Method in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.InvalidPropertyException
getCause() - Method in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.JsonException
getCause() - Method in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.UnknownPropertyException
getCode() - Method in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.JsonException
getCookieName() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
Get the cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.
getDataCreationTimestamp() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
getDataFileCopyright() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Returns the data file copyright text.
getDataFileCreationDate() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Returns the data file creation date in ISO8601 format.
getDataFileVersion() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Returns the version of the data file.
getDataRevision() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
use getDataCreationTimestamp() for comparing data generation
getDataType() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Get the data type name for values associated with this Property
getDataType() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.PropertyName
Get the data type name for values associated with this Property name.
getDataTypeId() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Get the data type ID for values associated with this Property
getDataTypeId() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.PropertyName
Get the data type ID for values associated with this Property name.
getDataVersion() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
getDetectionLookupCount() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.BaseDeviceAtlasApi
getDetectionLookupCount() - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.DeviceAtlasApi
getDeviceAtlasApiVersion() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
getDeviceAtlasApiVersion() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
getDeviceAtlasApiVersion() - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.DeviceAtlasApi
getDownloadAndLoadFrequencyDays() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getDownloadConnectionTimeoutMilliseconds() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getDownloadedDataFilePath() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFileManager
If the temporary data file exists on the system return the temporary file path.
getDownloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getDownloadUrl() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getFileDirectory() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getFileExtension() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getFileName() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getFilePath() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getHeaderContentMd5() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getIncludeLangProps() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
Get if the language/locale properties are being included in the property set or not.
getIncludeMatchInfo() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
To get if getProperties() include the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.
getIncludeUaProps() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
Get if the User-Agent dynamic properties are being included in the property set or not.
getIp(Map) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Get the most suitable IP address from the given keyVals set of HTTP headers.
getMaxCacheEntries() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
Get the max number of results to be cached.
getName(byte) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
getName() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.PropertyName
Get the name of this PropertyName
getProperties(HashMap, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a HashMap of known properties (as strings) for the user agent
getProperties(HashMap, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a HashMap of known properties merged with properties from the client side JavaScript.
getProperties(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Get the Carrier properties for a given IP address.
getProperties(Map) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Get the Carrier properties for a given Map of HTTP Headers.
getProperties(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApiWeb
Get the Carrier properties for the given HttpServletRequest object.
getProperties(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Get the properties for a User-Agent.
getProperties(String, String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Get the properties for a User-Agent merged with the client side properties (provided by the DeviceAtlas Client-side component).
getProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Get the properties for a map of HTTP headers.
getProperties(Map<String, String>, String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Get the properties for a set of HTTP headers merged with properties from the Client-side component.
getProperties(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApiWeb
Get the Device properties for the given HttpServletRequest object.
getPropertiesAsTyped(HashMap, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a HashMap of known properties (as typed) for the user agent
getPropertiesAsTyped(HashMap, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a HashMap of known properties merged with properties from the client side JavaScript.
getProperty(HashMap, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a value for the named property for this user agent
getProperty(HashMap, String, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a value for the named property for this user agent
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Try to obtain a specific property for a given IP address.
getProperty(Map, String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Try to obtain a specific property for a given Map of HTTP Headers.
getProperty(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApiWeb
Gets a specific Property for the IP found in the HttpServletRequest object.
getPropertyAsBoolean(HashMap, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Strongly typed property accessor.
getPropertyAsBoolean(HashMap, String, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Strongly typed property accessor.
getPropertyAsDate(HashMap, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
getPropertyAsDate(HashMap, String, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
getPropertyAsInteger(HashMap, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Strongly typed property accessor.
getPropertyAsInteger(HashMap, String, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Strongly typed property accessor.
getPropertyAsString(HashMap, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Strongly typed property accessor.
getPropertyAsString(HashMap, String, String, String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Strongly typed property accessor.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
A Set of all the possible property names.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Get a set of all possible property names.
getReturnNullWhenNoProperties() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
Get if the value returned by getProperties() should be null when there are no properties found or an instance of Properties that has no Property inside it should be returned.
getTemporaryFilePath() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
getTreeFromFile(String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a tree from a JSON file, If it has been previously loaded then the version from the static cache will be returned.
getTreeFromFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a tree from a JSON file.
getTreeFromFile(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a tree from a JSON file.
getTreeFromString(String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a loaded JSON tree from a string of JSON data.
getTreeFromString(String, boolean) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a loaded JSON tree from a string of JSON data.
getTreeGeneration(HashMap) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Get the generation date for this tree.
getTreeGenerationAsTimestamp(HashMap) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Get the generation date for this tree as a UNIX timestamp.
getTreeRevision(HashMap) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns the revision number of the tree


handle(Exception) - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DownloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback
handle() - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DownloadAndLoadTaskSuccessCallback
hashCode() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
hashCode() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.PropertyName
headerContentMd5(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
HEADERS_TO_CHECK - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
A list of HTTP headers to choose the original client IP address from.


IncorrectPropertyTypeException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The IncorrectPropertyTypeException is thrown by the Api class when there is an attempt to fetch a property by type and the property is stored under a different type in the tree.
IncorrectPropertyTypeException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.IncorrectPropertyTypeException
IncorrectPropertyTypeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.IncorrectPropertyTypeException
INTEGER - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type int
InvalidPropertyException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The InvalidPropertyException is thrown by the Api class when there is an attempt to fetch a property that is unknown for the supplied User-Agent.
InvalidPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.InvalidPropertyException
InvalidPropertyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.InvalidPropertyException
InvalidPropertyNameException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The InvalidPropertyNameException is thrown when an attempt is made to get a property using a property name that does not exist.
InvalidPropertyNameException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.InvalidPropertyNameException
isDataFileReload() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.BaseDeviceAtlasApi
isDataFileReload() - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.DeviceAtlasApi
isDisableScheduledDownloadAndReload() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile
isPublicIp(String) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
An IP address is considered public if it is not in any of the following ranges:
isValidateMd5() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile


JSON_VERSION - Static variable in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.JsonException
The JSON data you are using is too old for this API.
JsonException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The JsonException is thrown by the DetectionData class or the Api class when there is an error parsing the Json.
JsonException(int, String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.JsonException


listProperties(HashMap) - Static method in class mobi.mtld.da.Api
Returns a HashMap of known property names available for the user agents in this file, with their data type names
loadDataFromClassPath(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Load the data file from the class path.
loadDataFromClassPath(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Load the DeviceAtlas device detection data into the API from a JSON file form the class path.
loadDataFromFile(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Load the data file from the provided path.
loadDataFromFile(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Load the DeviceAtlas device detection data into the API from a JSON file.
loadDataFromFile(String) - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.DeviceAtlasApi
loadDataFromStream(InputStream) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.carrier.CarrierApi
Load the data from an input stream.
loadDataFromStream(InputStream) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Load the DeviceAtlas device detection data into the API from an input stream.
LONG - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type long int


MissingDataException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The MissingDataException is thrown if a data file was not loaded before a call to methods like getProperties(String ip) or getPropertyNames();
MissingDataException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.MissingDataException
MissingDataException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.MissingDataException
mobi.mtld.da - package mobi.mtld.da
Common classes for the various DeviceAtlas APIs.
mobi.mtld.da.carrier - package mobi.mtld.da.carrier
The main package for the Carrier API.
mobi.mtld.da.datafile - package mobi.mtld.da.datafile
mobi.mtld.da.device - package mobi.mtld.da.device
The main package for the Device API.
mobi.mtld.da.exception - package mobi.mtld.da.exception
Common exceptions for DeviceAtlas APIs.


NO_CLIENT_PROPERTIES_SECTION - Static variable in exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.JsonException
The JSON file does not contain the Client Properties Section.


persistDataFile() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFileManager
The data file is downloaded into a temporary file.
Properties - Class in mobi.mtld.da
Map String property names to Property objects.
Properties() - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.Properties
Properties(int, float) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.Properties
Property - Class in mobi.mtld.da
Contains a property value.
Property(Object, byte) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Create a new Property with a value and data type.
Property(Object, byte, boolean) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Create a new Property with a value and data type.
PropertyName - Class in mobi.mtld.da
Contains a property name and the expected data type of values associated with the property.
PropertyName(String, byte) - Constructor for class mobi.mtld.da.PropertyName
Create a new PropertyName with string name and expected data type of values.


resetDetectionLookupCount() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.BaseDeviceAtlasApi
resetDetectionLookupCount() - Method in interface mobi.mtld.da.DeviceAtlasApi


scheduleDownloadAndReloadTask() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFileManager
Schedule a task to download the data file and load it into the API.
setConfig(Config) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.DeviceApi
Updates the DeviceApi instance with a new config.
setCookieName(String) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
To change the cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.
setIncludeLangProps(boolean) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
To disable or enable getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) including language and locale properties.
setIncludeMatchInfo(boolean) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
To disable or enable getProperties() including the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.
setIncludeUaProps(boolean) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
To disable or enable getProperties() including User-Agent dynamic properties.
setMaxCacheEntries(int) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
Set the max number of results to be cached.
setReturnNullWhenNoProperties(boolean) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.device.Config
Set if the value returned by the getProperties() method should be null when there are no properties found or whether an empty Properties object should be returned instead.
SHORT - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type short int
STRING - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Type string


toString() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Get the value of the property as a String.
toString() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.PropertyName
Get the property name and the data type as "property-name (property-data-type)"


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class mobi.mtld.da.DataType
Unknown type
UnknownPropertyException - Exception in mobi.mtld.da.exception
The UnknownPropertyException is thrown by the Api class when there is an attempt to fetch a property unknown to the tree.
UnknownPropertyException(String) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.UnknownPropertyException
UnknownPropertyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception mobi.mtld.da.exception.UnknownPropertyException


validateMd5(boolean) - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.datafile.DataFile.Builder
value() - Method in class mobi.mtld.da.Property
Get the value Object.
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