# DeviceAtlas C API and NGINX Module Installation #
Provides detailed instructions to build, install and use the DeviceAtlas NGINX module.
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
* [DeviceAtlas API and NGINX packages](#deviceatlas_ngx)
* [Building DeviceAtlas library](#deviceatlas_build)
* [Option 1 - static module](#building_static_module)
* [Option 2 - dynamic (.so) module](#building_dynamic_module)
* [Option 3 - dynamic module for NGINX Plus](#building_NGINXPlus_module)
* [NGINX setup with DeviceAtlas](#setup_deviceatlas)
* [NGINX setup with Carrier Identification](#setup_carrier_identification)
* [DeviceAtlas data file reload](#deviceatlas_data_reload)
* [Example configurations](#example_configs)
* [Example application (Python FCGI)](#example_app)
* [Debugging](#debugging)
* [Common errors](#common_errors)
### Dependencies ###
Only the DeviceAtlas C/NGINX API package and NGINX source code (1.10.1 or later)
are required to build the module (see below for details). The DeviceAtlas C API
requires the PCRE regex library to be available.
### DeviceAtlas API and NGINX packages ###
** Get the DeviceAtlas C/NGINX API package **
- Minimum version: 2.1.1
The API package can be downloaded from the [deviceatlas.com](https://deviceatlas.com/resources/download-enterprise-api) website.
A login and appropriate permissions are required to download. Please contact
sales@deviceatlas.com if you are not sure about access.
Once the package is downloaded, extract the files to a local folder.
unzip deviceatlas-enterprise-c-nginx_{version}.zip
** Get the NGINX source code **
- Minimum NGINX version: 1.10.1 or later
If not available in the local environment, download the source code from
the [nginx.org](http://nginx.org/en/download.html) website and extract to a
local folder.
wget "http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz"
tar -zxvf nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz
### Building DeviceAtlas API library ###
The DeviceAtlas NGINX module requires that the DeviceAtlas API library (libda.so)
is built.
To build the library and install libda.so, please [read the related section on unix systems](README.Unix.html) or [on windows systems](README.Windows.html) for further details.
#### Using API with a custom library location ####
If `make install` cannot be used then the compiled DeviceAtlas library can
be placed in a custom location. The following NGINX configure flag must be
used to reference the DeviceAtlas library:
### Building NGINX module ###
The DeviceAtlas module can be built as either a `static` or `dynamic` module.
The following sections describes how to build and run the module when built
in either of these two forms. The dynamic module provides more flexibility
and means the module can be used with pre-built NGINX binaries provided by
the System and also with NGINX Plus.
#### Option 1 - static module ####
The static option compiles the DeviceAtlas module into an NGINX binary
along with the NGINX source code.
** Configure NGINX source and build it with DeviceAtlas **
cd nginx-{version}
./configure --add-module=/Nginx-Mod/
sudo make install
or, if the libda-omp.so shared library is present and if your toolchain is
relatively recent
cd nginx-{version}
./configure --add-module=/Nginx-Mod/mpcores --with-threads --with-cc-opt="-fopenmp" --with-ld-opt="-lgomp"
./configure --add-module=/Nginx-Mod/mpcores --with-threads --with-cc-opt="-fopenmp=lomp" --with-ld-opt="-lomp"
sudo make install
** Starting NGINX **
NGINX can be launched by using the binary from the local NGINX installation:
With a `nginx.conf` file located at `/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf`.
The file locations may vary based on the installation process.
#### Option 2 - dynamic (.so) module ####
The second option is to build as a dynamic module. This creates a .so
file separate from the main NGINX build.
**Important 1** - The version of the downloaded NGINX source code must match
the installed target NGINX binary for the built dynamic module to be
compatible. To confirm the version use `nginx -v`.
**Important 2** - The same compiler and linker flags as the target NGINX binary
should be used, as much as possible, when compiling the module to ensure compatibility,
consistency across the components while these flags follow sane security good practices
and provide reasonable performances.
** Configure NGINX source and build the DeviceAtlas module **
As mentioned above it is essential to compile with the same flags as the
existing NGINX binary. The flags used to compile the NGINX binary can be
found as follows:
nginx -V
Below is the **sample** output from the above command and is only for
illustrative purposes. It should not be used as is.
configure arguments: \
--prefix=/etc/nginx \
--modules-path=/usr/lib/nginx/modules \
--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
--with-cc-opt='-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wno-sign-compare -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' \
--with-ld-opt='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed'
To include the DeviceAtlas module it must be added to the list of flags.
There is one line to be added:
The above output is modified to include the DeviceAtlas module as follows:
(This is an example, the flags used for your NGINX may be different!)
./configure \
--add-dynamic-module=/Nginx-Mod/unix \
--modules-path=/usr/lib/nginx/modules \
--conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
--with-cc-opt='-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' \
--with-ld-opt='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed'
** Code compilation **
After running the `./configure` command the next step is compilation to get the
final dynamic module (.so) file.
Once built, the `ngx_http_deviceatlas_module.so` dynamic module file should be
found in the `nginx-{version}/objs/` folder.
Please be aware that it may be necessary to install additional libraries on your
system (e.g. openssl, libxml2, GD library, ...) should other NGINX modules
require them.
#### Option 3 - dynamic module for NGINX Plus ####
Building a module for NGINX Plus is very similar to building the module for
NGINX binary. The process is simpler as only a handful of configuration flags
are required.
Again, it is important to note that the downloaded source code version must be
identical to the version of the installed NGINX Plus binaries. To confirm the
version use `nginx -v`.
** Configure NGINX source and build the DeviceAtlas module **
To make the module compatible it is necessary to compile it with the
`--with-compat` flag and with the same flags which were used for to build the
existing NGINX Plus binary. This can be accomplished by using NGINX executable
like this:
nginx -V
The important options are `--with-cc-opt` and `--with-ld-opt` which need to be
copied over (this is only for illustrative purposes, not to be used as is),
along with paths to the DeviceAtlas C API source files.
./configure \
--with-compat \
--add-dynamic-module=/Nginx-Mod/ \
(on unixes systems)
--with-cc-opt='-g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' \
--with-ld-opt='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed'
(on windows)
--with-cl=cl (making sure cl 32/64 same used as for the API build)
--with-cc-opt='/GS' (not mandatory but recommended, it possibly decreases a bit the performance but for better safety in return)
--with-ld-opt='/FORCE:MULTIPLE' (note: making sure both nginx and API points to the same pcre lib instance is essential. further manual tweaks might be still necessary depending to your own case, especially the nginx linkage)
** Code compilation **
As before, the next step is compilation to get the final dynamic module (.so) file.
Once built, the `ngx_http_deviceatlas_module.so` dynamic module file should be
found in the `nginx-{version}/objs/` folder.
** Modules repository **
The module file should be placed in the general NGINX Plus modules folder:
cp objs/ngx_http_deviceatlas_module.so /usr/lib/nginx/modules
### NGINX setup with DeviceAtlas ###
To use the module, you will need to download the required data file, save it
locally and set the `devatlas_db` path in `nginx.conf`. To get the data file for
device detection, please see the [DeviceAtlas Device Detection for Web](README.DeviceApi-Web.html) readme file.
### NGINX setup with Carrier Identification ###
To use the Carrier identification capability of the DeviceAtlas module,
you will need to download the required data file, save it locally and
set the `carrierapi_db` path in `nginx.conf`. To get the data file for
device detection, please see the [DeviceAtlas Device Detection for Web](README.DeviceApi-Web.html) readme file.
** A snippet from nginx.conf **
# Uncomment next line and fix the path if using dynamic module.
#load_module /path/to/ngx_http_deviceatlas_module.so;
http {
variables_hash_max_size 2048;
## DeviceAtlas Detection
devatlas_db /path/to/DeviceAtlas.json;
# or
# devatlas_db /folder/for/download/DeviceAtlasDevice.bin;
# devatlas_scheduler_time 00:00:01;
# devatlas_scheduler_url "https://deviceatlas.com/getJSON?licencekey=&format=gzip&index=web";
# devatlas_scheduler_expdays 3; (optional, default is 1)
## DeviceAtlas variables prefix (optional)
# All DeviceAtlas properties are prefixed with da_ and are available
# as NGINX's environment variables (all dots are replaced with underscores).
# Uncomment `devatlas_property_prefix` line to set a custom prefix for
# the DeviceAtlas variables (default is da_).
#devatlas_property_prefix http_;
# Generate properties as HTTP headers
#devatlas_http_headers on;
# Additional DeviceAtlas metadata
# The module will generate some additional data at start time
# related to the data file and service. To potentially save
# bucket size settings, it can be switched off.
#devatlas_metadata off;
## In order to exclude by default enabled configurations of User-Agent/Dynamic
# properties and language properties add the following directives in nginx.conf:
# Boost API performance by ignoring dynamic properties (optional)
devatlas_include_ua_props off;
# Generate HTTP response headers (optional)
devatlas_http_headers off;
# Ignore language and locale properties (optional)
devatlas_include_lang_props off;
## Property filter (optional)
# By default the DeviceAtlas module registers all available properties
# from the JSON file. If at least one `devatlas_property` definition is
# found the module will register only those properties which are defined.
# For a list of all properties see https://deviceatlas.com/properties
devatlas_property primaryHardwareType;
devatlas_property osName;
devatlas_property osVersion;
devatlas_property browserName;
devatlas_property browserVersion;
## Client-side Component (optional)
# To use the Client-side Component with the NGINX module, the JavaScript
# file located in ExtraTools/ClientSide/ must be included on every webpage.
# The JS library will create a cookie with the client properties. The
# NGINX module reads this cookie and merges the properties with the server
# side detected properties.
devatlas_properties_cookie DAPROPS;
## Carrier Identification
carrierapi_db /path/to/CarrierIdentification.dat;
# or
# carrierapi_db /folder/for/download/DeviceAtlasCarrier.dat;
# carrierapi_scheduler_time 02:00:30;
# carrierapi_scheduler_url "https://deviceatlas.com/getCarrierData?licencekey=&format=gzip"
# carrierapi_scheduler_expdays 7; (optional, default is 1)
## Carrier variables prefix (optional)
# All Carrier Identification properties are prefixed with ci_ and are available
# as NGINX environment variables.
# Uncomment the `carrierapi_property_prefix` line to set a custom prefix for
# the DeviceAtlas variables (default is da_).
#carrierapi_property_prefix geoloc_;
## Property filter (optional)
# By default the Carrier module registers all available properties
# from the binary file. If at least one `carrierapi_property` definition is
# found the module will register only those properties which are defined.
# For a list of all properties see https://deviceatlas.com/properties
carrierapi_property countryCode;
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
location / {
fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method;
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
# DeviceAtlas properties
# nginx environment variables are formed as follows
# e.g. da_model
fastcgi_param DA_PRIMARY_HARDWARE_TYPE $da_primaryHardwareType;
fastcgi_param DA_OS_NAME $da_osName;
fastcgi_param DA_OS_VERSION $da_osVersion;
fastcgi_param DA_BROWSER_NAME $da_browserName;
fastcgi_param DA_BROWSER_VERSION $da_browserVersion;
# Carrier properties
# nginx environment variables are formed as follows
# e.g. ci_countryCode
fastcgi_param CI_COUNTRY_CODE $ci_countryCode;
# More NGINX properties here
### DeviceAtlas data file reload ###
The DeviceAtlas data file can be reloaded in place without restarting NGINX.
Replace the on-disk file with a new data file downloaded from deviceatlas.com
and trigger an NGINX reload. NGINX will continue to serve requests while the
new data file is being loaded.
An NGINX reload can be triggered by calling `nginx reload` or `service nginx reload`.
The reload will ignore corrupt or missing data files and continue using the
previous in-memory version. The NGINX error log will contain an error message
if this occurs.
### Example configurations ###
There are multiple NGINX configuration files and snippets available at
`Nginx-Mod/Examples` folder for common use-cases.
- Hello World
- Non-human traffic detection
- Non-human traffic detection (with LUA)
- Image optimization
- Mobile redirection
- Language redirection
- Passing variables downstream as headers
#### Common settings (for all examples) ####
All examples below requires following configuration.
** In main block (i.e. outside of `HTTP` and `server` blocks): **
# Load DeviceAtlas module (Dynamic module option only)
load_module /path/to/ngx_http_deviceatlas_module.so;
** In HTTP block: **
variables_hash_max_size 2048;
devatlas_db /path/to/DeviceAtlas.json;
#### EXAMPLE 1 - Hello World ####
This is a very simple configuration to ensure that DeviceAtlas
is working (like Hello World, for the module).
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
variables_hash_max_size 4096;
sendfile on;
devatlas_db "/etc/deviceatlas/DeviceAtlas.json";
# Assign DeviceAtlas properties as maps.
# (It's recommended to always use default values as follows.)
map $da_primaryHardwareType $primaryHardwareType {
default $da_primaryHardwareType;
"" "No primary hardware type available";
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
# The path `/DeviceAtlasTest` will return a plain text response
# containing the device type e.g. "Mobile Phone" or "Tablet".
location /DeviceAtlasTest {
add_header Content-Type text/plain;
return 200 $primaryHardwareType;
#### EXAMPLE 2 - Non-human traffic detection ####
This configuration shows how you might treat traffic for known bots.
In this case they are redirected to a separate page but alternate
content could be served also.
** In server block: **
location / {
default_type 'text/plain';
content_by_lua_block {
/* General property to detect all types of bots traffic */
local isNonHumanTraffic = (
ngx.var.da_isRobot == "1"
if isNonHumanTraffic then
ngx.say("You are a bot !!")
/* Creation of an environement variable to store the hardware type */
local primaryHardwareType = 'generic'
if ngx.var.da_primaryHardwareType then
primaryHardwareType = ngx.var.da_primaryHardwareType
set_by_lua $primary_hardware_type primaryHardwareType
#### EXAMPLE 3 - Non-human traffic detection (with LUA) ####
This configuration shows how you might treat traffic for known bots.
In this case they are redirected to a separate page but alternate
content could be served also.
** In HTTP block: **
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
variables_hash_max_size 4096;
sendfile on;
# Assign DeviceAtlas properties as maps.
# (It's recommended to always use default values as follows.)
map $da_isRobot $robot {
true 1;
false 0;
default 0;
server {
# Redirect robots to scraping policy page
if ($robot) {
rewrite ^ http://www.example.com/scrapingpolicy.html;
#### EXAMPLE 4 - Image optimization - part #1 ####
This example demonstrates how you might resize images to maximum display size
for a given device. Desktop devices will see no change, mobile devices should be
served images appropriate to their resolutions. Resized images are cached to
ensure minimal load on server (one resize operation per target resolution).
This is part #1, see part #2 for an actual resizer listening at port 9000.
** In HTTP block: **
# Assign DeviceAtlas properties as maps.
# (It's recommended to always use default values as follows.)
map $da_usableDisplayWidth $displayWidth {
default $da_usableDisplayWidth;
"" "-";
map $da_usableDisplayHeight $displayHeight {
default $da_usableDisplayHeight;
"" "-";
** In server block: **
location ~* "^/images/(.*)" {
set $image_path $1;
proxy_cache resized;
proxy_cache_valid 180m;
#### Image optimization - part #2 ####
** In HTTP block: **
limit_req_zone "1" zone=2persec:32k rate=2r/s;
** In server block: **
listen 9000;
deny all;
limit_req zone=2persec burst=10;
location /image_resizer {
alias /usr/share/nginx/html/path/to/images;
image_filter resize $arg_width $arg_height;
#### EXAMPLE 5 - Mobile redirection ####
This example demonstrates how you might rewrite URLS to serve mobile-specific
content (e.g. AMP pages) to certain device classes.
** In HTTP block: **
# Assign DeviceAtlas properties as maps.
# (It's recommended to always use default values as follows.)
map $da_mobileDevice $mobile {
true 1;
false 0;
default 0;
** In server block: **
# Send mobile device to AMP version of content
if ($mobile) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /AMP/$1 break;
#### EXAMPLE 6 - Language redirection ####
This example demonstrates how you might rewrite URLS
based on a client's detected language.
** In HTTP block: **
# Assign DeviceAtlas properties as maps.
# (It's recommended to always use default values as follows.)
map $da_language $language {
default $da_language;
"" "en";
** In server block: **
location / {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /$language/$1;
#### EXAMPLE 7 - Passing variables downstream as headers ####
This example demonstrates how you might pass variables downstream via request
** In server block (LB): **
location /DeviceAtlasTest {
proxy_set_header X-DeviceAtlas-isMobilePhone $da_isMobilePhone;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
** In HTTP block (downstream): **
In case of underscore headers, set by LB, an extra directive is needed to be set
on the downstream servers.
e.g. proxy_set_header DA_IS_MOBILE_PHONE $da_isMobilePhone;
This is not needed if the header names are set with dashes as
`X-DeviceAtlas-` (as is in the example above).
underscores_in_headers on;
#### Data file ####
To use the module, you will need to download a data file, save it locally
and set the path from **deviceatlas.nginx.conf** using `devatlas_db` directive.
To get a data file for Device Detection, please see the [DeviceApi](README.DeviceApi.html) readme file.
#### Run NGINX server ####
/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /Nginx-Mod/Example/deviceatlas.nginx.conf
NGINX is now up and running on port 8080.
### Optional ###
** Client-side Component **
To use the Client-side Component with the NGINX module, a Javascript file
located in ExtraTools/ClientSide/ must be included on every webpage.
The component will create a cookie with the client properties. The NGINX
module automatically reads this cookie and merges the properties with the
server side detected properties.
For more information please see the [Client-side Component](README.ClientSide.html) readme file.
### Example application (Python FCGI) ###
An example application is packaged with DeviceAtlas nginx-module.
Check README in example to view build and run instructions.
### Debugging ###
** Is DeviceAtlas module running? **
The simplest way to confirm if the DeviceAtlas module is loaded successfully
is by looking in NGINX's error.log (typically in `/var/log/nginx/error.log`
or `/usr/local/nginx/logs/error/log`). It will have "[notice]" lines similar to
the following in it:
[notice] DeviceAtlas cookie name 'DAPROPS' in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
[notice] DeviceAtlas, environment variable 'da_primaryHardwareType' added (property 'primaryHardwareType') in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
[notice] DeviceAtlas, environment variable 'da_osName' added (property 'osName') in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
[notice] DeviceAtlas, environment variable 'da_osVersion' added (property 'osVersion') in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
[notice] Carrier, environment variable 'da_networkOperator' added (property 'networkOperator') in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
[notice] Carrier, environment variable 'da_networkBrand' added (property 'networkBrand') in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
[notice] Carrier, environment variable 'da_mcc' added (property 'mcc') in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
[notice] Carrier, environment variable 'da_countryCode' added (property 'countryCode') in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:57
** Checking DeviceAtlas values **
The easiest way to debug issues is to add the DeviceAtlas properties to the
NGINX log file so that you can see their value for each request.
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" '
'"$da_mobileDevice" "$da_vendor $da_model" '
'"$da_networkOperator" "$da_networkBrand" "$da_mcc"';
### Common errors ###
** Version compatibility **
To prevent the error below ensure that the version of the source NGINX matches
the existing built NGINX version (e.g. provided by the OS).
nginx: [emerg] module "/usr/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_http_deviceatlas_module.so" version 1011008 instead of 1011005
** Binary compatibility **
To prevent the error below make sure the same configuration flags used by
the OS's NGINX binary version were used while building the dynamic module.
nginx: [emerg] module "/usr/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_http_deviceatlas_module.so" is not binary compatible in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Note: if the nginx binary had been compiled with `--with-compat` flag, it is necessary to apply it for the dynamic module.
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_ Copyright (c) DeviceAtlas Limited 2021. All Rights Reserved. _