Package mobi :: Package mtld :: Package da :: Package carrier :: Module carrier_api :: Class CarrierApi
[hide private]
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Class CarrierApi

object --+

A list of HTTP headers to choose the original client IP address from. In addition to these the REMOTE_ADDR is also used as a final fallback.

Instance Methods [hide private]
load_data_from_file(self, path)
Load the data file from the provided path.
Returns the data file copyright text
Returns the data file creation date in ISO8601 format
Returns the version of the data file
get_properties(self, ipv4)
Get the Carrier properties for a given IP address.
get_property(self, ipv4, propertyName)
Try and get a specific property for a given IP address.
A set of all the possible property names.
Checks to make sure the data file is loaded.
_property_name_exists(self, propertyName)
Check if the given propertyName is not None and exists in the data file.
get_ip(self, keyVals)
Extracts and cleans an IP address from the headerValue.
property_name_exists(self, propertyName)
is_public_ip(self, ipv4)
An IP address is considered public if it is not in any of the following ranges: 1) any local address IP: 0
extract_ip(self, headerName, headerValue)
is_ip_special(self, ip)

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
Normalise the keys in the passed in key value map.
Class Variables [hide private]
  _HEADERS_TO_CHECK = [u'x-forwarded-for', u'client-ip', u'x-cli...
  _VERSION = u'1.1'
  _PRIVATE = ([0, 4278190080], [2130706432, 4278190080], [323223...
  _data = None
  _ip_special = None
  _MISSING_DATA_EX = u'No data file loaded, load data with load_...
  _INVALID_PROP_EX = u'Property name "%s" does not exist'
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

load_data_from_file(self, path)


Load the data file from the provided path. The data file is reloaded every tme this method is called.

get_property(self, ipv4, propertyName)


Try and get a specific property for a given IP address. Note : If mutiple properties are needed for the same IP it is more efficient to call properties() once than repeated calls to property()



A set of all the possible property names. The set contains PropertyName objects that each have a string name and an associated data type.

_property_name_exists(self, propertyName)


Check if the given propertyName is not None and exists in the data file. Calls to this method must be sure that the data object is already loaded.

Static Method


Normalise the keys in the passed in key value map. This lower-cases the keys, replaces "_" with "-" and removes any HTTP_ prefix.

get_ip(self, keyVals)


Extracts and cleans an IP address from the headerValue. Some headers such as "X-Forwarded-For" can contain multiple IP addresses such as: clientIP, proxy1, proxy2...

is_public_ip(self, ipv4)


An IP address is considered public if it is not
in any of the following ranges:
1) any local address
  IP:  0

2) a local loopback address
  range:  127/8

3) a site local address i.e. IP is in any of the ranges:
  range:  10/8
  range:  172.16/12
  range:  192.168/16

4) a link local address

Class Variable Details [hide private]




([0, 4278190080],
 [2130706432, 4278190080],
 [3232235520, 4294901760],
 [2886729728, 4293918720],
 [167772160, 4278190080],
 [2851995648, 4294901760],
 [1681915904, 4290772992],
 [3221225472, 4294967288],


u'No data file loaded, load data with load_data_from_file()'