Module api :: Class InvalidPropertyException
[hide private]
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Class InvalidPropertyException

                                                             object --+                
                                               exceptions.BaseException --+            
                                                       exceptions.Exception --+        
             mobi.mtld.da.exception.device_atlas_exception.DeviceAtlasException --+    
mobi.mtld.da.exception.invalid_property_name_exception.InvalidPropertyNameException --+

InvalidPropertyException is thrown by the API class when there is an attempt to fetch a property that is unknown for the supplied user agent, tree and client side property set.

Deprecated: Please use the new interface and exception classes through DeviceApi instead.

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from mobi.mtld.da.exception.device_atlas_exception.DeviceAtlasException: __init__, __str__

Inherited from exceptions.Exception: __new__

Inherited from exceptions.BaseException: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __getitem__, __getslice__, __reduce__, __repr__, __setattr__, __setstate__, __unicode__

Inherited from object: __format__, __hash__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from mobi.mtld.da.exception.device_atlas_exception.DeviceAtlasException: message

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from exceptions.BaseException: args

Inherited from object: __class__