Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for interface \DeviceAtlas\DeviceAtlasApi |
error | 12 | Argument $dataFile is missing from the Docblock of downloadAndLoadDataFileFromUrl |
error | 12 | No summary for method downloadAndLoadDataFileFromUrl() |
error | 14 | Argument $dataFileDownloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of downloadAndLoadDataFile |
error | 14 | No summary for method downloadAndLoadDataFile() |
error | 16 | Argument $jsonDataFilePath is missing from the Docblock of loadDataFromFile |
error | 16 | No summary for method loadDataFromFile() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 150 | No summary for method getProperties() |
error | 187 | No summary for method getProperty() |
error | 232 | Argument $propertyName is missing from the Docblock of propertyNameExists |
error | 282 | Argument $headerName is missing from the Docblock of extractIp |
error | 282 | Argument $headerValue is missing from the Docblock of extractIp |
error | 346 | Argument $dataFileDownloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of buildDataFile |
error | 346 | No summary for method buildDataFile() |
error | 350 | Argument $dataFileDownloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of downloadAndLoadDataFile |
error | 350 | No summary for method downloadAndLoadDataFile() |
error | 354 | No summary for method getDeviceAtlasApiVersion() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 146 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of processPropertyNamesBucket |
error | 200 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of processPropertyValuesBucket |
error | 253 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of processPropertiesBucket |
error | 294 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of processIpv4TreeBucket |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 51 | Argument $param is missing from the Docblock of getProperties |
error | 65 | Argument $param is missing from the Docblock of getProperty |
error | 65 | Name of argument $param does not match with the DocBlock's name $propertyName in getProperty() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 139 | Argument $jsonDataFilePath is missing from the Docblock of getDataFromFile |
error | 139 | No summary for method getDataFromFile() |
error | 170 | Argument $jsonDataFilePath is missing from the Docblock of saveDataToCache |
error | 170 | No summary for method saveDataToCache() |
error | 178 | Argument $jsonDataFilePath is missing from the Docblock of loadDataFromCache |
error | 178 | Argument $refreshCache is missing from the Docblock of loadDataFromCache |
error | 178 | No summary for method loadDataFromCache() |
error | 197 | No summary for method loadCachedTreeRoot() |
error | 205 | No summary for method postLoadDataInitialization() |
error | 308 | Name of argument $clientSideString does not match with the DocBlock's name $clientSideString|null in getProperties() |
notice | 308 | Parameter $clientSideString|null could not be found in getProperties() |
error | 318 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of getPropertiesFromHeaders |
error | 318 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of getPropertiesFromHeaders |
error | 318 | No summary for method getPropertiesFromHeaders() |
error | 333 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of extractLanguageProperties |
error | 333 | Argument $acceptLanguageHeader is missing from the Docblock of extractLanguageProperties |
error | 333 | No summary for method extractLanguageProperties() |
error | 341 | Argument $normalisedHeaders is missing from the Docblock of getAcceptLanguage |
error | 341 | No summary for method getAcceptLanguage() |
error | 364 | Name of argument $clientSideString does not match with the DocBlock's name $clientSideString|null in getPropertiesFromIdentifier() |
notice | 364 | Parameter $clientSideString|null could not be found in getPropertiesFromIdentifier() |
error | 384 | Argument $normalisedHeaders is missing from the Docblock of detectProperties |
error | 384 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of detectProperties |
error | 384 | No summary for method detectProperties() |
error | 405 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of extractClientSideInputs |
error | 405 | Argument $normalisedHeaders is missing from the Docblock of extractClientSideInputs |
error | 422 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of normaliseHeaders |
error | 441 | No summary for method checkIsDataLoaded() |
error | 447 | Argument $identifierOrHeaders is missing from the Docblock of cachePut |
error | 447 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of cachePut |
error | 447 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of cachePut |
error | 447 | Argument $acceptLanguage is missing from the Docblock of cachePut |
error | 447 | No summary for method cachePut() |
error | 453 | Argument $identifierOrHeaders is missing from the Docblock of cacheGet |
error | 453 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of cacheGet |
error | 453 | Argument $acceptLanguage is missing from the Docblock of cacheGet |
error | 453 | No summary for method cacheGet() |
error | 457 | Argument $dataFileDownloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of downloadAndLoadDataFile |
error | 457 | No summary for method downloadAndLoadDataFile() |
error | 461 | Argument $dataFileDownloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of buildDataFile |
error | 461 | No summary for method buildDataFile() |
error | 87 | No summary for property $ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_HEADER |
error | 89 | No summary for property $config |
error | 90 | No summary for property $deviceData |
error | 91 | No summary for property $componentDetector |
error | 92 | No summary for property $propertiesCollector |
error | 93 | No summary for property $propertyMappingsRunner |
error | 94 | No summary for property $cacheService |
error | 95 | No summary for property $cacheEnabled |
error | 96 | No summary for property $httpInputSanitiser |
error | 97 | No summary for property $clientSideParser |
error | 99 | No summary for property $cacheRootJsonFilePath |
error | 100 | No summary for property $optimizerTempDir |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | Argument $propertyMappings is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 25 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of run |
error | 25 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of run |
error | 25 | No summary for method run() |
error | 38 | Argument $mapping is missing from the Docblock of runMapping |
error | 38 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of runMapping |
error | 38 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of runMapping |
error | 59 | Argument $source is missing from the Docblock of getProperty |
error | 59 | Argument $propertyDataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of getProperty |
error | 59 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of getProperty |
error | 59 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of getProperty |
error | 94 | Argument $sourceValue is missing from the Docblock of createProperty |
error | 94 | Argument $dataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of createProperty |
error | 94 | No summary for method createProperty() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $propertyMappings |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 29 | Argument $codePointDelimiters is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 71 | No summary for method getCountDelimiters() |
error | 27 | No summary for property $dC |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 14 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\ComponentType |
error | 24 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | Argument $weight is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | Argument $componentType is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 33 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 37 | No summary for method getLevel() |
error | 41 | No summary for method getNameAbbreviation() |
error | 45 | No summary for method getWeight() |
error | 49 | Argument $obj is missing from the Docblock of equals |
error | 49 | No summary for method equals() |
error | 55 | No summary for method isHelperComponentType() |
error | 16 | No summary for property $HELPER_TYPE_ABBREV |
error | 18 | No summary for property $id |
error | 19 | No summary for property $l |
error | 20 | No summary for property $w |
error | 21 | No summary for property $nA |
error | 22 | No summary for property $iHT |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\Util |
error | 16 | Argument $c is missing from the Docblock of isDigit |
error | 16 | No summary for method isDigit() |
error | 20 | Argument $stringToSplit is missing from the Docblock of splitString |
error | 20 | Argument $delimiter is missing from the Docblock of splitString |
error | 20 | No summary for method splitString() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $identifier is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 58 | No summary for method getDynamicPropertyPositions() |
error | 62 | No summary for method hasDynamicPropertyPositions() |
error | 66 | No summary for method getIdentifier() |
error | 70 | No summary for method getMatchCandidates() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $identifier |
error | 20 | No summary for property $tokenPositionToMatchCandidates |
error | 21 | No summary for property $dynamicPropertyPositions |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | Argument $prefixToRemove is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 22 | Argument $suffixToRemove is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 22 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 27 | Argument $inputValue is missing from the Docblock of transform |
error | 27 | No summary for method transform() |
error | 34 | Argument $inputValue is missing from the Docblock of shouldTrimPrefix |
error | 34 | No summary for method shouldTrimPrefix() |
error | 48 | Argument $inputValue is missing from the Docblock of shouldTrimSuffix |
error | 48 | No summary for method shouldTrimSuffix() |
error | 62 | No summary for method getPrefixToRemove() |
error | 66 | No summary for method getSuffixToRemove() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $pTR |
error | 20 | No summary for property $sTR |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 24 | Argument $identifiersByComponentType is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | Argument $propertyMappings is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 36 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of populateInputs |
error | 36 | No summary for method populateInputs() |
error | 46 | Argument $propertyMappings is missing from the Docblock of populatePropertyMappingSources |
error | 46 | No summary for method populatePropertyMappingSources() |
error | 62 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of createHeaderInputs |
error | 62 | No summary for method createHeaderInputs() |
error | 74 | No summary for method getIdentifiersByComponentType() |
error | 78 | No summary for method getPropertyMappings() |
error | 82 | No summary for method getClientSideInputs() |
error | 86 | No summary for method getHeaderSideInputs() |
error | 90 | No summary for method getHeaderPropertyMappingSources() |
error | 94 | No summary for method getClientSidePropertyMappingSources() |
error | 17 | No summary for property $identifiersByComponentType |
error | 18 | No summary for property $propertyMappings |
error | 19 | No summary for property $clientSideInputs |
error | 20 | No summary for property $headerSideInputs |
error | 21 | No summary for property $headerPropertyMappingSources |
error | 22 | No summary for property $clientSidePropertyMappingSources |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 14 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\MatchCandidatesCharPosition |
error | 19 | Argument $endTokenCharPosition is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 19 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 23 | Argument $matchCandidate is missing from the Docblock of add |
error | 23 | No summary for method add() |
error | 27 | No summary for method getEndTokenCharPosition() |
error | 31 | No summary for method getMatchCandidates() |
error | 16 | No summary for property $endTokenCharPosition |
error | 17 | No summary for property $matchCandidates |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 26 | Argument $propertyName is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 26 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 26 | Argument $operator is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 26 | Argument $comparisonValueDataType is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 26 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 34 | No summary for method getPropertyName() |
error | 38 | No summary for method getValue() |
error | 42 | No summary for method getOperator() |
error | 87 | Argument $property is missing from the Docblock of compareAsVersion |
error | 87 | No summary for method compareAsVersion() |
error | 120 | No summary for method getValueAsVersion() |
error | 124 | Argument $property is missing from the Docblock of getPropertyAsVersion |
error | 124 | No summary for method getPropertyAsVersion() |
error | 128 | Argument $comparisonValueDataType is missing from the Docblock of isVersionComparisonType |
error | 128 | No summary for method isVersionComparisonType() |
error | 132 | Argument $haystack is missing from the Docblock of endsWith |
error | 132 | Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of endsWith |
error | 132 | No summary for method endsWith() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $COMPARISON_TYPE_VERSION |
error | 21 | No summary for property $pN |
error | 22 | No summary for property $v |
error | 23 | No summary for property $o |
error | 24 | No summary for property $cVDT |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 27 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 33 | Argument $acceptLanguage is missing from the Docblock of parse |
error | 59 | Argument $languageLocaleWeight is missing from the Docblock of getWeight |
error | 59 | No summary for method getWeight() |
error | 72 | Argument $languageLocale is missing from the Docblock of isValidLanguageLocale |
error | 72 | No summary for method isValidLanguageLocale() |
error | 86 | Argument $weight is missing from the Docblock of isBetterLanguageLocale |
error | 86 | Argument $bestWeight is missing from the Docblock of isBetterLanguageLocale |
error | 86 | Argument $languageLocale is missing from the Docblock of isBetterLanguageLocale |
error | 86 | Argument $bestLanguageLocale is missing from the Docblock of isBetterLanguageLocale |
error | 97 | Argument $languageLocale is missing from the Docblock of isBestLanguageLocale |
error | 97 | Argument $weight is missing from the Docblock of isBestLanguageLocale |
error | 17 | No summary for property $PARTS_SEPARATOR |
error | 18 | No summary for property $LANG_LOCALE_WEIGHT_SEPARATOR |
error | 19 | No summary for property $LANG_LOCALE_SEPARATOR |
error | 21 | No summary for property $WEIGHT_PREFIX |
error | 23 | No summary for property $LANG_LENGTH |
error | 24 | No summary for property $LANG_LOCALE_LENGTH |
error | 25 | No summary for property $MAX_WEIGHT |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 29 | Argument $version is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | Argument $maxParts is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 36 | Argument $maxParts is missing from the Docblock of update |
error | 36 | No summary for method update() |
error | 78 | Argument $version is missing from the Docblock of compareTo |
error | 78 | No summary for method compareTo() |
error | 97 | Argument $versionString is missing from the Docblock of versionFromString |
error | 97 | No summary for method versionFromString() |
error | 23 | No summary for property $DELIM |
error | 25 | No summary for property $v |
error | 26 | No summary for property $mP |
error | 27 | No summary for property $vP |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 15 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\ClientSideParser |
error | 45 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of parse |
error | 84 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of decodeClientSideString |
error | 84 | No summary for method decodeClientSideString() |
error | 92 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of prepareClientSideString |
error | 17 | No summary for property $CLIENT_SIDE_STRING_DELIMITER |
error | 18 | No summary for property $PROPERTY_VALUE_DELIMITER |
error | 23 | No summary for property $inputSanitiser |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 17 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 17 | No summary for method put() |
error | 19 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of get |
error | 19 | No summary for method get() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\DeviceApiWeb |
error | 59 | Name of argument $clientSideString does not match with the DocBlock's name $clientSideString|null in getProperties() |
notice | 59 | Parameter $clientSideString|null could not be found in getProperties() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 159 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 159 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 292 | No summary for method getPropertyNames() |
error | 305 | No summary for method getPropertyDataTypes() |
error | 334 | Name of argument $jsonPropertyNames does not match with the DocBlock's name $propertyArray in getPropertyName() |
notice | 334 | Parameter $propertyArray could not be found in getPropertyName() |
error | 348 | Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of getDataTypeId |
error | 502 | Argument $componentIndex is missing from the Docblock of getComponent |
error | 502 | Argument $jsonComponent is missing from the Docblock of getComponent |
error | 502 | No summary for method getComponent() |
error | 589 | Argument $componentIndex is missing from the Docblock of checkComponent |
error | 589 | Argument $jsonComponent is missing from the Docblock of checkComponent |
error | 589 | No summary for method checkComponent() |
error | 677 | Argument $valueIndex is missing from the Docblock of getPropertyValue |
error | 677 | Argument $dataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of getPropertyValue |
error | 677 | No summary for method getPropertyValue() |
error | 800 | Argument $componentIndex is missing from the Docblock of getVersionedSpecificChildren |
error | 800 | Argument $jsonComponentVersionSpecificChildren is missing from the Docblock of getVersionedSpecificChildren |
error | 881 | Argument $jsonInput is missing from the Docblock of extractInput |
error | 881 | No summary for method extractInput() |
error | 905 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of extractIdentifiersByComponentType |
error | 905 | Argument $jsonInputsIdentifiersByComponentTypes is missing from the Docblock of extractIdentifiersByComponentType |
error | 913 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of extractIdentifierByComponentType |
error | 913 | Argument $identifiersByComponentType is missing from the Docblock of extractIdentifierByComponentType |
error | 913 | Argument $jsonInputsIdentifier is missing from the Docblock of extractIdentifierByComponentType |
error | 913 | No summary for method extractIdentifierByComponentType() |
error | 942 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of getDependentIdentifiers |
error | 942 | Argument $jsonDependentIdentifiers is missing from the Docblock of getDependentIdentifiers |
error | 963 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of getDependentIdentifier |
error | 963 | Argument $jsonDependentIdentifier is missing from the Docblock of getDependentIdentifier |
error | 963 | No summary for method getDependentIdentifier() |
error | 1021 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappings |
error | 1021 | Argument $jsonInputsPropertyMappings is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappings |
error | 1034 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingSources |
error | 1034 | Argument $propertyDataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingSources |
error | 1034 | Argument $jsonPropertyMappingSources is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingSources |
error | 1034 | No summary for method extractPropertyMappingSources() |
error | 1042 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingSource |
error | 1042 | Argument $propertyDataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingSource |
error | 1042 | Argument $jsonPropertyMappingSource is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingSource |
error | 1042 | No summary for method extractPropertyMappingSource() |
error | 1065 | Argument $jsonInputsPropertyMappingsTrimTransformation is missing from the Docblock of extractTrimTransformer |
error | 1065 | No summary for method extractTrimTransformer() |
error | 1080 | Argument $propertyDataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of extractComparisonTransformers |
error | 1080 | Argument $jsonInputsPropertyMappingsComparisonTransformation is missing from the Docblock of extractComparisonTransformers |
error | 1080 | No summary for method extractComparisonTransformers() |
error | 1088 | Argument $propertyDataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of extractComparisonTransformer |
error | 1088 | Argument $jsonComparisonTransformer is missing from the Docblock of extractComparisonTransformer |
error | 1088 | No summary for method extractComparisonTransformer() |
error | 1108 | Argument $jsonPropertyMappingValidator is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingValidator |
error | 1108 | No summary for method extractPropertyMappingValidator() |
error | 1122 | Argument $jsonPropertyMappingValidatorNumericString is missing from the Docblock of extractPropertyMappingNumericValidator |
error | 1122 | No summary for method extractPropertyMappingNumericValidator() |
error | 1178 | Argument $jsonConstraintGroup is missing from the Docblock of getConstraintGroup |
error | 1198 | Argument $jsonMatchConstraint is missing from the Docblock of getMatchConstraint |
error | 1357 | Argument $jsonMatchCandidateMatchConstraint is missing from the Docblock of getConstraints |
error | 1396 | Argument $jsonPositionConstraint is missing from the Docblock of getPositionConstraint |
error | 1413 | Argument $jsonConstraintGroupLookaroundConstraint is missing from the Docblock of getLookaroundConstraints |
error | 1431 | Argument $jsonLookaroundConstraint is missing from the Docblock of getLookaroundConstraint |
error | 1517 | Argument $jsonPropertyConstraints is missing from the Docblock of getPropertyConstraints |
error | 1541 | Argument $jsonPropertyConstraint is missing from the Docblock of getPropertyConstraint |
error | 1562 | Argument $jsonComparisonProperties is missing from the Docblock of getComparisonProperties |
error | 1570 | Argument $jsonComparisonProperty is missing from the Docblock of getComparisonProperty |
error | 1570 | No summary for method getComparisonProperty() |
error | 1588 | Argument $componentTypeId is missing from the Docblock of getComponentTypeById |
error | 1588 | No summary for method getComponentTypeById() |
error | 1603 | Argument $jsonAdditionalActions is missing from the Docblock of getAdditionalActions |
error | 1611 | Argument $jsonComponentTypesToRemove is missing from the Docblock of getComponentsToReplace |
error | 1611 | No summary for method getComponentsToReplace() |
error | 132 | No summary for property $json |
error | 135 | No summary for property $metaData |
error | 136 | No summary for property $propertyNames |
error | 137 | No summary for property $propertyDataTypes |
error | 138 | No summary for property $propertyValues |
error | 140 | No summary for property $components |
error | 141 | No summary for property $idToComponentType |
error | 142 | No summary for property $maxComponentTypeId |
error | 143 | No summary for property $dynamicValueExtractors |
error | 144 | No summary for property $delimitersHandler |
error | 145 | No summary for property $tokenTrie |
error | 146 | No summary for property $inputs |
error | 147 | No summary for property $constraintGroups |
error | 148 | No summary for property $maxStockChildLevel |
error | 151 | No summary for property $stockChildIndexesInheritDynamicProperties |
error | 152 | No summary for property $componentToVersionSpecificChildren |
error | 156 | No summary for property $propertyValueCache |
error | 157 | No summary for property $propertyValueCacheBooleans |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 20 | Argument $minPos is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 20 | Argument $maxPos is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 20 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 17 | No summary for property $minPos |
error | 18 | No summary for property $maxPos |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 28 | Argument $deviceData is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | Argument $dynamicPropertiesExtractor is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 42 | Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of collectProperties |
error | 42 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of collectProperties |
error | 127 | Argument $stockChild is missing from the Docblock of findComponentForLevel |
error | 127 | Argument $currLevel is missing from the Docblock of findComponentForLevel |
error | 157 | Argument $prevLevelComponent is missing from the Docblock of refineChildSpecificComponent |
error | 157 | Argument $component is missing from the Docblock of refineChildSpecificComponent |
error | 170 | Argument $component is missing from the Docblock of refineVersionSpecificComponent |
error | 170 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of refineVersionSpecificComponent |
error | 182 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of addProperties |
error | 182 | Argument $component is missing from the Docblock of addProperties |
error | 182 | Argument $addParentProperties is missing from the Docblock of addProperties |
error | 182 | No summary for method addProperties() |
error | 20 | No summary for property $initialPropertiesCapacity |
error | 21 | No summary for property $maxStockChildLevel |
error | 22 | No summary for property $dynamicPropertiesExtractor |
error | 23 | No summary for property $maxComponentTypeSize |
error | 24 | No summary for property $propertyNames |
error | 25 | No summary for property $propertyDataTypes |
error | 26 | No summary for property $componentTypes |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 18 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 20 | Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of refineResult |
error | 20 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of refineResult |
error | 20 | No summary for method refineResult() |
error | 30 | Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of runActions |
error | 30 | Argument $additionalActions is missing from the Docblock of runActions |
error | 30 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of runActions |
error | 30 | No summary for method runActions() |
error | 40 | Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of replaceComponents |
error | 40 | Argument $componentsToReplace is missing from the Docblock of replaceComponents |
error | 40 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of replaceComponents |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 16 | Argument $maxLength is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 16 | Argument $numericValidator is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 16 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 21 | Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 21 | No summary for method isValid() |
error | 13 | No summary for property $maxLength |
error | 14 | No summary for property $numericValidator |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 14 | No summary for interface \DeviceAtlas\Device\DynamicValueExtractor |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\Operator |
error | 22 | Argument $label is missing from the Docblock of valueOfLabel |
error | 22 | No summary for method valueOfLabel() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 14 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\MetaData |
error | 24 | Argument $version is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | Argument $createdIso8601 is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | Argument $casing is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 31 | No summary for method getVersion() |
error | 35 | No summary for method getCreatedIso8601() |
error | 39 | No summary for method getCreatedTimestamp() |
error | 43 | No summary for method getCasing() |
error | 47 | No summary for method isLowerCase() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $version |
error | 20 | No summary for property $createdIso8601 |
error | 21 | No summary for property $casing |
error | 22 | No summary for property $isLowerCase |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 14 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\MatchType |
error | 19 | Argument $type is missing from the Docblock of isStartWith |
error | 19 | No summary for method isStartWith() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | Argument $associatedInputs is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 26 | No summary for method getKey() |
error | 30 | No summary for method getSource() |
error | 34 | No summary for method isEnsureClientHintQuote() |
error | 38 | No summary for method isHeaderSource() |
error | 42 | No summary for method isClientSideSource() |
error | 58 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of canBeUsed |
error | 74 | No summary for method getAssociatedInputs() |
error | 78 | No summary for method hasAssociatedInputs() |
error | 83 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of addAssociatedIdentifierName |
error | 83 | No summary for method addAssociatedIdentifierName() |
error | 85 | No summary for method getAssociatedIdentifierNames() |
error | 89 | Argument $identifierValue is missing from the Docblock of getIdentifierValue |
error | 89 | No summary for method getIdentifierValue() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $i |
error | 19 | No summary for property $aI |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | Argument $separator is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 17 | Argument $minSeparatorCount is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 17 | Argument $maxSeparatorCount is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 17 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 23 | Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 23 | No summary for method isValid() |
error | 13 | No summary for property $separator |
error | 14 | No summary for property $minSeparatorCount |
error | 15 | No summary for property $maxSeparatorCount |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 14 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\ComponentDetectorResult |
error | 21 | Argument $matchCandidatesByLevel is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | Argument $matchResultByLevel is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | Argument $matchCandidatesWithPropertyConstraints is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 28 | Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of hasMatchCandidate |
error | 28 | No summary for method hasMatchCandidate() |
error | 32 | Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of getMatchCandidate |
error | 32 | No summary for method getMatchCandidate() |
error | 36 | No summary for method getMatchCandidatesByLevel() |
error | 40 | No summary for method getMatchCandidatesByLevelByReference() |
error | 44 | Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of setMatchCandidateByLevel |
error | 44 | Argument $matchCandidate is missing from the Docblock of setMatchCandidateByLevel |
error | 44 | No summary for method setMatchCandidateByLevel() |
error | 48 | Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of hasMatchResult |
error | 48 | No summary for method hasMatchResult() |
error | 52 | No summary for method getMatchResultByLevel() |
error | 56 | No summary for method getMatchCandidatesWithPropertyConstraintsByLevel() |
error | 60 | Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of getComponentForLevel |
error | 60 | No summary for method getComponentForLevel() |
error | 71 | Argument $level is missing from the Docblock of addComponentsToReplace |
error | 71 | Argument $component is missing from the Docblock of addComponentsToReplace |
error | 71 | No summary for method addComponentsToReplace() |
error | 16 | No summary for property $matchCandidatesByLevel |
error | 17 | No summary for property $matchResultByLevel |
error | 18 | No summary for property $matchCandidatesWithPropertyConstraintsByLevel |
error | 19 | No summary for property $componentsToReplace |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | Argument $componentPrecedingDynamicValueIndex is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 22 | Argument $dynamicExtractor is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 22 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 27 | No summary for method getComponentPrecedingDynamicValueIndex() |
error | 31 | No summary for method getDynamicExtractor() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $cPDVI |
error | 20 | No summary for property $dE |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 18 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 20 | Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of refineResult |
error | 20 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of refineResult |
error | 20 | Argument $maxComponentTypeSize is missing from the Docblock of refineResult |
error | 20 | No summary for method refineResult() |
error | 53 | Argument $matchCandidate is missing from the Docblock of constraintsValid |
error | 53 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of constraintsValid |
error | 53 | No summary for method constraintsValid() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | Argument $delimitersBeforeHandler is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | Argument $delimitersAfterHandler is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 72 | No summary for method getDelimitersBeforeHandler() |
error | 76 | No summary for method getDelimitersAfterHandler() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $delimitersBeforeHandler |
error | 19 | No summary for property $delimitersAfterHandler |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $operator is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | Argument $comparisonValue is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | Argument $property is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 29 | Argument $inputValue is missing from the Docblock of transform |
error | 29 | No summary for method transform() |
error | 38 | No summary for method getOperator() |
error | 42 | No summary for method getComparisonValue() |
error | 46 | No summary for method getProperty() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $o |
error | 20 | No summary for property $cV |
error | 21 | No summary for property $p |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | Argument $matchConstraints is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 25 | Argument $referenceTokenPosition is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 25 | Argument $allCandidates is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 25 | No summary for method isValid() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $matchConstraints |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 37 | No summary for property $cookieName |
error | 38 | No summary for property $maxCacheEntries |
error | 40 | No summary for property $useTreeOptimizer |
error | 41 | No summary for property $ignoreDataFileChanges |
error | 42 | No summary for property $optimizerTempDir |
error | 43 | No summary for property $cacheProvider |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 29 | Argument $deviceData is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | Argument $tokenTrieWalker is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | Argument $dynamicPropertiesExtractor is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | Argument $propertyMappingsRunner is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 29 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 45 | Argument $identifierOrHeaders is missing from the Docblock of getComponents |
error | 45 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of getComponents |
error | 59 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of getComponentsByHeaders |
error | 59 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of getComponentsByHeaders |
error | 140 | Argument $result is missing from the Docblock of refineComponentsByLevel |
error | 140 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of refineComponentsByLevel |
error | 170 | Argument $matchResult is missing from the Docblock of getComponentsByLevel |
error | 21 | No summary for property $deviceData |
error | 22 | No summary for property $trieWalker |
error | 23 | No summary for property $maxComponentTypeSize |
error | 24 | No summary for property $dynamicPropertiesExtractor |
error | 25 | No summary for property $propertyMappingsRunner |
error | 26 | No summary for property $identifiersByComponentType |
error | 27 | No summary for property $componentTypes |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 35 | Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $weight is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $componentType is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $propertyIdsToDynamicValues is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $precedesDynamicProperty is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $versionSpecificChildren is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $startVersion is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | Argument $endVersion is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 35 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 56 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 60 | No summary for method getComponentType() |
error | 64 | No summary for method getProperties() |
error | 68 | No summary for method hasProperties() |
error | 72 | No summary for method getWeight() |
error | 76 | No summary for method getParent() |
error | 80 | No summary for method hasParent() |
error | 84 | Argument $parent is missing from the Docblock of setParent |
error | 84 | No summary for method setParent() |
error | 88 | No summary for method getInheritsFrom() |
error | 92 | No summary for method hasInheritsFrom() |
error | 96 | Argument $inheritsFrom is missing from the Docblock of setInheritsFrom |
error | 96 | No summary for method setInheritsFrom() |
error | 100 | No summary for method getStockChild() |
error | 104 | No summary for method hasStockChild() |
error | 108 | Argument $stockChild is missing from the Docblock of setStockChild |
error | 108 | No summary for method setStockChild() |
error | 112 | No summary for method getVersionSpecificChildren() |
error | 116 | No summary for method getStartVersion() |
error | 120 | No summary for method getEndVersion() |
error | 124 | No summary for method hasEndVersion() |
error | 141 | Argument $genericComponent is missing from the Docblock of getSpecificChildInstance |
error | 141 | No summary for method getSpecificChildInstance() |
error | 154 | No summary for method getPropertiesToDynamicValues() |
error | 158 | Argument $propertiesToDynamicValues is missing from the Docblock of setPropertiesToDynamicValues |
error | 158 | No summary for method setPropertiesToDynamicValues() |
error | 162 | No summary for method precedesDynamicProperty() |
error | 166 | No summary for method hasDynamicPropertyRules() |
error | 170 | No summary for method hasVersionSpecificChildren() |
error | 174 | Argument $obj is missing from the Docblock of equals |
error | 174 | No summary for method equals() |
error | 20 | No summary for property $id |
error | 21 | No summary for property $w |
error | 22 | No summary for property $cT |
error | 24 | No summary for property $ps |
error | 25 | No summary for property $pTDV |
error | 26 | No summary for property $pDP |
error | 27 | No summary for property $vSC |
error | 28 | No summary for property $sV |
error | 29 | No summary for property $eV |
error | 31 | No summary for property $p |
error | 32 | No summary for property $iF |
error | 33 | No summary for property $sC |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 81 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 81 | Name of argument $value does not match with the DocBlock's name $key in put() |
error | 21 | No summary for property $memcache |
error | 22 | No summary for property $extensionType |
error | 25 | No summary for property $cacheItemExpiry |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 60 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 60 | Name of argument $value does not match with the DocBlock's name $key in put() |
error | 91 | Argument $dir is missing from the Docblock of rmdir |
error | 91 | Argument $empty is missing from the Docblock of rmdir |
error | 91 | No summary for method rmdir() |
error | 116 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of cachePath |
error | 116 | Argument $createDirectory is missing from the Docblock of cachePath |
error | 116 | No summary for method cachePath() |
error | 21 | No summary for property $cacheDir |
error | 22 | No summary for property $cacheItemExpiry |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 24 | Argument $cacheSize is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 29 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of get |
error | 29 | No summary for method get() |
error | 33 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 33 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 33 | No summary for method put() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $CACHE_REMOVE_FACTOR |
error | 21 | No summary for property $cache |
error | 22 | No summary for property $cacheSize |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 52 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 52 | Name of argument $value does not match with the DocBlock's name $key in put() |
error | 21 | No summary for property $cacheItemExpiry |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 25 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 27 | Argument $acceptLanguage is missing from the Docblock of extract |
error | 27 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of extract |
error | 27 | Argument $includeLanguage is missing from the Docblock of extract |
error | 27 | Argument $includeLanguageLocale is missing from the Docblock of extract |
error | 27 | No summary for method extract() |
error | 22 | No summary for property $LANGUAGE_PROPERTY_NAME |
error | 23 | No summary for property $LANGUAGE_LOCALE_PROPERTY_NAME |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | Argument $cache is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | Argument $headerInputs is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 21 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 26 | Argument $identifierOrHeaders is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 26 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 26 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 26 | Argument $acceptLanguage is missing from the Docblock of put |
error | 26 | No summary for method put() |
error | 30 | Argument $identifierOrHeaders is missing from the Docblock of get |
error | 30 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of get |
error | 30 | Argument $acceptLanguage is missing from the Docblock of get |
error | 30 | No summary for method get() |
error | 34 | Argument $identifierOrHeaders is missing from the Docblock of getCacheKey |
error | 34 | Argument $clientSideString is missing from the Docblock of getCacheKey |
error | 34 | Argument $acceptLanguage is missing from the Docblock of getCacheKey |
error | 34 | No summary for method getCacheKey() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $cache |
error | 19 | No summary for property $headerInputs |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 17 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\StaticComponent |
error | 21 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasVersionSpecificChildren |
error | 21 | No summary for method hasVersionSpecificChildren() |
error | 25 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getVersionSpecificChildren |
error | 25 | No summary for method getVersionSpecificChildren() |
error | 29 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasInheritsFrom |
error | 29 | No summary for method hasInheritsFrom() |
error | 33 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getInheritsFrom |
error | 33 | No summary for method getInheritsFrom() |
error | 37 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasParent |
error | 37 | No summary for method hasParent() |
error | 41 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getParent |
error | 41 | No summary for method getParent() |
error | 45 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasStockChild |
error | 45 | No summary for method hasStockChild() |
error | 49 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getStockChild |
error | 49 | No summary for method getStockChild() |
error | 53 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of setMaxPartsToVersions |
error | 53 | Argument $maxParts is missing from the Docblock of setMaxPartsToVersions |
error | 53 | No summary for method setMaxPartsToVersions() |
error | 62 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of precedesDynamicProperty |
error | 62 | No summary for method precedesDynamicProperty() |
error | 67 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getId |
error | 67 | No summary for method getId() |
error | 71 | Argument $baseComponent1 is missing from the Docblock of compareId |
error | 71 | Argument $baseComponent2 is missing from the Docblock of compareId |
error | 71 | No summary for method compareId() |
error | 75 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getComponentTypeId |
error | 75 | No summary for method getComponentTypeId() |
error | 79 | Argument $baseComponent1 is missing from the Docblock of compareComponentTypes |
error | 79 | Argument $baseComponent2 is missing from the Docblock of compareComponentTypes |
error | 79 | No summary for method compareComponentTypes() |
error | 83 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getComponentWeight |
error | 83 | No summary for method getComponentWeight() |
error | 88 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasProperties |
error | 88 | No summary for method hasProperties() |
error | 92 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getProperties |
error | 92 | Argument $propertyNames is missing from the Docblock of getProperties |
error | 92 | Argument $propertyDataTypes is missing from the Docblock of getProperties |
error | 92 | No summary for method getProperties() |
error | 100 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasDynamicPropertyRules |
error | 100 | No summary for method hasDynamicPropertyRules() |
error | 104 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getPropertiesToDynamicValues |
error | 104 | No summary for method getPropertiesToDynamicValues() |
error | 108 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasStartVersion |
error | 108 | No summary for method hasStartVersion() |
error | 112 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getStartVersion |
error | 112 | No summary for method getStartVersion() |
error | 118 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of hasEndVersion |
error | 118 | No summary for method hasEndVersion() |
error | 122 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getEndVersion |
error | 122 | No summary for method getEndVersion() |
error | 128 | Argument $baseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getSpecificChildInstance |
error | 128 | Argument $genericBaseComponent is missing from the Docblock of getSpecificChildInstance |
error | 128 | No summary for method getSpecificChildInstance() |
error | 141 | Argument $stockChild is missing from the Docblock of reviewStockChild |
error | 141 | Argument $components is missing from the Docblock of reviewStockChild |
error | 141 | No summary for method reviewStockChild() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 19 | Argument $componentsToReplace is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 19 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 23 | No summary for method getComponentsToReplace() |
error | 27 | No summary for method hasComponentsToReplace() |
error | 17 | No summary for property $componentsToReplace |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 39 | No summary for method sanitise() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 24 | Argument $deviceData is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 265 | Argument $node is missing from the Docblock of hasTokenStartNode |
error | 265 | No summary for method hasTokenStartNode() |
error | 269 | Argument $node is missing from the Docblock of getTokenStartNode |
error | 269 | No summary for method getTokenStartNode() |
error | 273 | Argument $node is missing from the Docblock of getDirectChildNode |
error | 273 | No summary for method getDirectChildNode() |
error | 277 | Argument $node is missing from the Docblock of hasMatchCandidates |
error | 277 | No summary for method hasMatchCandidates() |
error | 281 | Argument $node is missing from the Docblock of getMatchCandidates |
error | 281 | No summary for method getMatchCandidates() |
error | 285 | Argument $node is missing from the Docblock of isSwAllowedAnyMatch |
error | 285 | No summary for method isSwAllowedAnyMatch() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $rootNode |
error | 20 | No summary for property $delimitersHandler |
error | 21 | No summary for property $deviceData |
error | 22 | No summary for property $isLowerCaseData |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 13 | No summary for interface \DeviceAtlas\Device\Input |
error | 15 | No summary for method getKey() |
error | 17 | No summary for method getSource() |
error | 19 | No summary for method isEnsureClientHintQuote() |
error | 21 | No summary for method isHeaderSource() |
error | 23 | No summary for method isClientSideSource() |
error | 25 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of canBeUsed |
error | 25 | No summary for method canBeUsed() |
error | 27 | No summary for method getAssociatedInputs() |
error | 29 | No summary for method hasAssociatedInputs() |
error | 31 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of addAssociatedIdentifierName |
error | 31 | No summary for method addAssociatedIdentifierName() |
error | 33 | No summary for method getAssociatedIdentifierNames() |
error | 38 | Argument $identifierValue is missing from the Docblock of getIdentifierValue |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 16 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\DeviceData |
error | 37 | Argument $metaData is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $propertyNames is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $propertyDataTypes is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $delimitersHandler is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $node is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $inputs is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $maxComponentTypeId is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $maxStockChildLevel is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | Argument $componentTypes is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 37 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 61 | No summary for method __serialize() |
error | 77 | No summary for method serialize() |
error | 81 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of __unserialize |
error | 81 | No summary for method __unserialize() |
error | 99 | Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of unserialize |
error | 99 | No summary for method unserialize() |
error | 103 | Argument $optimizerTempDir is missing from the Docblock of setOptimizerTempDir |
error | 103 | No summary for method setOptimizerTempDir() |
error | 108 | Argument $force is missing from the Docblock of populateCache |
error | 108 | No summary for method populateCache() |
error | 123 | Argument $path is missing from the Docblock of throwFileWriteException |
error | 123 | No summary for method throwFileWriteException() |
error | 128 | Argument $batchId is missing from the Docblock of getBatchCachePath |
error | 128 | No summary for method getBatchCachePath() |
error | 132 | No summary for method cacheRoot() |
error | 139 | Argument $tree is missing from the Docblock of cacheLeaves |
error | 139 | Argument $depth is missing from the Docblock of cacheLeaves |
error | 139 | Argument $prevChildren is missing from the Docblock of cacheLeaves |
error | 139 | No summary for method cacheLeaves() |
error | 171 | Argument $jsonDataFilePath is missing from the Docblock of optimizeJsonBatchStorage |
error | 171 | Argument $cacheRootJsonFilePath is missing from the Docblock of optimizeJsonBatchStorage |
error | 171 | No summary for method optimizeJsonBatchStorage() |
error | 214 | Argument $dir is missing from the Docblock of rmdir |
error | 234 | Argument $filePath is missing from the Docblock of getFileId |
error | 238 | Argument $optimizerTempDir is missing from the Docblock of getCachedJsonFileKey |
error | 238 | No summary for method getCachedJsonFileKey() |
error | 242 | Argument $optimizerTempDir is missing from the Docblock of getCachedJsonInfoFilePath |
error | 242 | No summary for method getCachedJsonInfoFilePath() |
error | 246 | Argument $optimizerTempDir is missing from the Docblock of getCachedJsonHistoryFilePath |
error | 246 | No summary for method getCachedJsonHistoryFilePath() |
error | 250 | No summary for method getMetaData() |
error | 254 | No summary for method hasIncludeLanguage() |
error | 258 | No summary for method hasIncludeLanguageLocale() |
error | 262 | No summary for method getPropertyNames() |
error | 266 | No summary for method getPropertyDataTypes() |
error | 270 | No summary for method getDelimitersHandler() |
error | 274 | No summary for method getNode() |
error | 278 | No summary for method getInputs() |
error | 282 | No summary for method hasInputs() |
error | 286 | No summary for method getMaxComponentTypeId() |
error | 290 | No summary for method getMaxStockChildLevel() |
error | 294 | No summary for method getComponentTypes() |
error | 298 | Argument $propertyName is missing from the Docblock of containsPropertyName |
error | 298 | No summary for method containsPropertyName() |
error | 21 | No summary for property $MAX_CACHE_JSON_FILES |
error | 23 | No summary for property $metaData |
error | 24 | No summary for property $propertyNames |
error | 25 | No summary for property $propertyDataTypes |
error | 26 | No summary for property $delimitersHandler |
error | 27 | No summary for property $node |
error | 28 | No summary for property $inputs |
error | 29 | No summary for property $maxComponentTypeId |
error | 30 | No summary for property $maxStockChildLevel |
error | 31 | No summary for property $includeLanguage |
error | 32 | No summary for property $includeLanguageLocale |
error | 33 | No summary for property $optimizerTempDir |
error | 34 | No summary for property $jsonBatchDir |
error | 35 | No summary for property $componentTypes |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 28 | Argument $delimitersBeforeHandler is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | Argument $delimitersAfterHandler is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | Argument $prefix is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | Argument $keepPrefix is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | Argument $decimalSeperator is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | Argument $suffixAllowed is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | Argument $suffixSeperator is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 162 | No summary for method getDelimitersBeforeHandler() |
error | 166 | No summary for method getDelimitersAfterHandler() |
error | 170 | No summary for method getPrefix() |
error | 174 | No summary for method isKeepPrefix() |
error | 178 | No summary for method getDecimalSeperator() |
error | 182 | No summary for method isSuffixAllowed() |
error | 186 | No summary for method getSuffixSeperator() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $DECIMAL_POINT |
error | 20 | No summary for property $dBH |
error | 21 | No summary for property $dAH |
error | 22 | No summary for property $p |
error | 23 | No summary for property $kP |
error | 24 | No summary for property $dS |
error | 25 | No summary for property $sA |
error | 26 | No summary for property $sS |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $toFindComponentIndex is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | Argument $minOffset is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | Argument $maxOffset is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 29 | No summary for method getToFindComponentIndex() |
error | 33 | No summary for method getMinOffset() |
error | 37 | No summary for method getMaxOffset() |
error | 41 | Argument $referenceTokenPosition is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 41 | Argument $allCandidates is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 41 | No summary for method isValid() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $tFCI |
error | 20 | No summary for property $mnO |
error | 21 | No summary for property $mxO |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 31 | Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 31 | Argument $source is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 31 | Argument $ensureClientHintQuote is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 31 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 39 | No summary for method getKey() |
error | 43 | No summary for method getSource() |
error | 47 | No summary for method isEnsureClientHintQuote() |
error | 51 | No summary for method isHeaderSource() |
error | 55 | No summary for method isClientSideSource() |
error | 62 | Argument $headers is missing from the Docblock of canBeUsed |
error | 66 | No summary for method getAssociatedInputs() |
error | 70 | No summary for method hasAssociatedInputs() |
error | 74 | Argument $identifierValue is missing from the Docblock of getIdentifierValue |
error | 74 | No summary for method getIdentifierValue() |
error | 109 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of isEmptyValue |
error | 109 | No summary for method isEmptyValue() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $SOURCE_HEADER |
error | 19 | No summary for property $SOURCE_CLIENT_SIDE |
error | 21 | No summary for property $DOUBLE_QUOTE |
error | 22 | No summary for property $EMPTY_CH_STRING |
error | 24 | No summary for property $k |
error | 25 | No summary for property $s |
error | 26 | No summary for property $eCHQ |
error | 27 | No summary for property $hS |
error | 28 | No summary for property $cSS |
error | 29 | No summary for property $aIN |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 22 | Argument $propertyName is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 22 | Argument $propertyDataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 22 | Argument $propertyMappingSources is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 22 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 28 | No summary for method getPropertyName() |
error | 32 | No summary for method getPropertyDataTypeId() |
error | 36 | No summary for method getPropertyMappingSources() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $pN |
error | 19 | No summary for property $pDTI |
error | 20 | No summary for property $pMS |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $propertyName is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | Argument $maxParts is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 28 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of findComponent |
error | 28 | No summary for method findComponent() |
error | 39 | No summary for method getPropertyName() |
error | 43 | No summary for method getMaxParts() |
error | 47 | No summary for method getComponents() |
error | 51 | Argument $components is missing from the Docblock of setComponents |
error | 51 | No summary for method setComponents() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $propertyName |
error | 20 | No summary for property $maxParts |
error | 21 | No summary for property $components |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 19 | Argument $comparisonProperties is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 19 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 23 | Argument $dynamicProperties is missing from the Docblock of isValid |
error | 23 | No summary for method isValid() |
error | 17 | No summary for property $cP |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\DynamicValueExtractorFactory |
error | 24 | Argument $extractorType is missing from the Docblock of getDynamicValueExtractor |
error | 24 | Argument $rawExtractor is missing from the Docblock of getDynamicValueExtractor |
error | 24 | Argument $defaultDelimitersHandler is missing from the Docblock of getDynamicValueExtractor |
error | 24 | No summary for method getDynamicValueExtractor() |
error | 12 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_EXTRACTOR_TYPE_STRING |
error | 13 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_EXTRACTOR_TYPE_VERSION |
error | 15 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_DELIMITERS_BEFORE |
error | 16 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_DELIMITERS_AFTER |
error | 18 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_VERSION_PREFIX |
error | 19 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_VERSION_KEEP_PREFIX |
error | 20 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_VERSION_DECIMAL_SEP |
error | 21 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_VERSION_SUFFIX_ALLOWED |
error | 22 | No summary for property $DYNAMIC_VALUE_VERSION_SUFFIX_SEP |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 30 | Argument $matchType is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | Argument $component is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | Argument $positionConstraint is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | Argument $lookaroundConstraints is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | Argument $constraintGroup is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | Argument $propertyConstraints is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | Argument $additionalActions is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 48 | No summary for method getMatchType() |
error | 52 | No summary for method isStartWithMatchType() |
error | 56 | No summary for method getComponent() |
error | 60 | No summary for method hasComponent() |
error | 64 | No summary for method getPositionConstraint() |
error | 68 | No summary for method hasPositionConstraint() |
error | 72 | No summary for method getLookaroundConstraints() |
error | 76 | No summary for method hasLookaroundConstraints() |
error | 80 | No summary for method getConstraintGroup() |
error | 84 | No summary for method hasConstraintGroup() |
error | 88 | No summary for method getPropertyConstraints() |
error | 92 | No summary for method hasPropertyConstraints() |
error | 96 | No summary for method getAdditionalActions() |
error | 100 | No summary for method hasAdditionalActions() |
error | 21 | No summary for property $mT |
error | 22 | No summary for property $c |
error | 23 | No summary for property $poC |
error | 24 | No summary for property $lCs |
error | 25 | No summary for property $cG |
error | 26 | No summary for property $prCs |
error | 27 | No summary for property $aAs |
error | 28 | No summary for property $iSWMT |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 25 | Argument $input is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 25 | Argument $trimTransformer is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 25 | Argument $comparisonTransformers is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 25 | Argument $validator is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 25 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 32 | No summary for method getInput() |
error | 36 | No summary for method getTrimTransformer() |
error | 40 | No summary for method hasTrimTransformer() |
error | 44 | No summary for method getComparisonTransformers() |
error | 48 | No summary for method hasComparisonTransformers() |
error | 52 | No summary for method getValidator() |
error | 20 | No summary for property $i |
error | 21 | No summary for property $tT |
error | 22 | No summary for property $cT |
error | 23 | No summary for property $validator |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 13 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\Device\VersionSearch |
error | 15 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 25 | Argument $components is missing from the Docblock of search |
error | 25 | Argument $searchVersion is missing from the Docblock of search |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 50 | No summary for method build() |
error | 69 | Argument $stringValue is missing from the Docblock of getValueAsInteger |
error | 69 | No summary for method getValueAsInteger() |
error | 81 | No summary for method getValueAsBoolean() |
error | 91 | Argument $values is missing from the Docblock of buildCollectionOfValues |
error | 91 | Argument $dataTypeId is missing from the Docblock of buildCollectionOfValues |
error | 91 | No summary for method buildCollectionOfValues() |
error | 22 | No summary for property $v |
error | 23 | No summary for property $dTI |
error | 24 | No summary for property $iCOV |
error | 26 | No summary for property $NOT_CONVERTIBLE_TO_BOOLEAN |
error | 27 | No summary for property $NOT_CONVERTIBLE_TO_INT |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 14 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\BaseDeviceAtlasApi |
error | 16 | Argument $dataFileDownloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of buildDataFile |
error | 16 | No summary for method buildDataFile() |
error | 18 | Argument $jsonDataFilePath is missing from the Docblock of loadDataFromFile |
error | 18 | No summary for method loadDataFromFile() |
error | 28 | Argument $dataFileManager is missing from the Docblock of downloadAndLoadDataFileFromUrl |
error | 28 | Name of argument $dataFileManager does not match with the DocBlock's name $dataFile in downloadAndLoadDataFileFromUrl() |
error | 51 | Argument $dataFile is missing from the Docblock of checkReloadSchedule |
error | 51 | Argument $dataFileManager is missing from the Docblock of checkReloadSchedule |
error | 51 | Argument $forceReload is missing from the Docblock of checkReloadSchedule |
error | 51 | No summary for method checkReloadSchedule() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 69 | No summary for method __toString() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $name |
error | 20 | No summary for property $dataTypeId |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 21 | No summary for method getIterator() |
error | 38 | Argument $properties is missing from the Docblock of putAll |
error | 38 | No summary for method putAll() |
error | 79 | No summary for method count() |
error | 19 | No summary for property $properties |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 20 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\DataType |
error | 58 | No summary for method getName() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 27 | Argument $dataFile is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 27 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 31 | No summary for method getSupportedContentTypes() |
error | 35 | Argument $contentType is missing from the Docblock of isDecompressionRequired |
error | 35 | No summary for method isDecompressionRequired() |
error | 44 | No summary for method decompress() |
error | 24 | No summary for property $supportedContentTypes |
error | 25 | No summary for property $dataFile |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\DataFile\Util |
error | 12 | Argument $dateTime is missing from the Docblock of getTime |
error | 12 | Argument $format is missing from the Docblock of getTime |
error | 12 | Argument $milliseconds is missing from the Docblock of getTime |
error | 12 | No summary for method getTime() |
error | 20 | Argument $resource is missing from the Docblock of closeSilently |
error | 20 | Argument $operation is missing from the Docblock of closeSilently |
error | 20 | No summary for method closeSilently() |
error | 28 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of createRandom |
error | 28 | No summary for method createRandom() |
error | 32 | Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of convertMsToSeconds |
error | 32 | No summary for method convertMsToSeconds() |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\DataFile\DataFileBuilder |
error | 30 | Argument $downloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 30 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 35 | Argument $fileDirectory is missing from the Docblock of fileDirectory |
error | 35 | No summary for method fileDirectory() |
error | 40 | Argument $validateMd5 is missing from the Docblock of validateMd5 |
error | 40 | No summary for method validateMd5() |
error | 45 | Argument $headerContentMd5 is missing from the Docblock of headerContentMd5 |
error | 45 | No summary for method headerContentMd5() |
error | 50 | Argument $downloadAndLoadFrequencyDays is missing from the Docblock of downloadAndLoadFrequencyDays |
error | 50 | No summary for method downloadAndLoadFrequencyDays() |
error | 55 | Argument $disableScheduledDownloadAndReload is missing from the Docblock of disableScheduledDownloadAndReload |
error | 55 | No summary for method disableScheduledDownloadAndReload() |
error | 60 | Argument $downloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds is missing from the Docblock of downloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds |
error | 60 | No summary for method downloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds() |
error | 65 | Argument $downloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback is missing from the Docblock of downloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback |
error | 65 | No summary for method downloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback() |
error | 70 | No summary for method getDownloadUrl() |
error | 74 | No summary for method getFileName() |
error | 78 | No summary for method getFileExtension() |
error | 82 | No summary for method getFileDirectory() |
error | 86 | No summary for method isValidateMd5() |
error | 90 | No summary for method getHeaderContentMd5() |
error | 95 | No summary for method getDownloadAndLoadFrequencyDays() |
error | 99 | No summary for method isDisableScheduledDownloadAndReload() |
error | 103 | No summary for method getSupportedContentTypes() |
error | 107 | No summary for method getDownloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds() |
error | 111 | No summary for method getDownloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback() |
error | 115 | No summary for method buildDeviceDataFile() |
error | 119 | No summary for method buildCarrierDataFile() |
error | 123 | Argument $fileName is missing from the Docblock of build |
error | 123 | Argument $fileExtension is missing from the Docblock of build |
error | 123 | Argument $uncompressedContentType is missing from the Docblock of build |
error | 123 | No summary for method build() |
error | 18 | No summary for property $downloadUrl |
error | 19 | No summary for property $fileName |
error | 20 | No summary for property $fileExtension |
error | 21 | No summary for property $fileDirectory |
error | 22 | No summary for property $validateMd5 |
error | 23 | No summary for property $headerContentMd5 |
error | 24 | No summary for property $supportedContentTypes |
error | 25 | No summary for property $downloadAndLoadFrequencyDays |
error | 26 | No summary for property $disableScheduledDownloadAndReload |
error | 27 | No summary for property $downloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds |
error | 28 | No summary for property $downloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 24 | Argument $dataFile is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 24 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 22 | No summary for property $dataFile |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 12 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\DataFile\DataFileManager |
error | 20 | Argument $dataFile is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 20 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 101 | No summary for method getDataFile() |
error | 105 | No summary for method isNewFileAvailable() |
error | 17 | No summary for property $dataFile |
error | 18 | No summary for property $isNewFileAvailable |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 23 | Argument $dataFile is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 23 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 27 | No summary for method createMetaFile() |
error | 33 | No summary for method getDataFileCreationDate() |
error | 42 | Argument $PROPERTY_DATA_FILE_CREATION_DATE is missing from the Docblock of getDataMetaFileProperty |
error | 42 | No summary for method getDataMetaFileProperty() |
error | 51 | No summary for method getDataMetaFilePath() |
error | 21 | No summary for property $dataFile |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for class \DeviceAtlas\DataFile\DataFile |
error | 28 | Argument $builder is missing from the Docblock of __construct |
error | 28 | No summary for method __construct() |
error | 45 | No summary for method createTemporaryFileName() |
error | 49 | No summary for method validate() |
error | 56 | Argument $argumentName is missing from the Docblock of validateArgumentNotEmptyOrNull |
error | 56 | Argument $argumentValue is missing from the Docblock of validateArgumentNotEmptyOrNull |
error | 56 | No summary for method validateArgumentNotEmptyOrNull() |
error | 62 | Argument $argumentName is missing from the Docblock of validateIntIsPositive |
error | 62 | Argument $argumentValue is missing from the Docblock of validateIntIsPositive |
error | 62 | No summary for method validateIntIsPositive() |
error | 68 | No summary for method isStale() |
error | 85 | No summary for method getExpiryMilliseconds() |
error | 96 | No summary for method isDataFileReloadIsInProgress() |
error | 100 | No summary for method exists() |
error | 104 | No summary for method temporaryFileExists() |
error | 108 | No summary for method getFilePath() |
error | 112 | No summary for method getTemporaryFilePath() |
error | 116 | No summary for method getTemporaryDownloadFilePath() |
error | 120 | No summary for method getLockFilePath() |
error | 124 | Argument $dataFileName is missing from the Docblock of createFilePath |
error | 124 | No summary for method createFilePath() |
error | 134 | No summary for method getDownloadAndLoadFrequencyMilliseconds() |
error | 138 | No summary for method getDownloadUrl() |
error | 142 | No summary for method getFileName() |
error | 146 | No summary for method getFileExtension() |
error | 150 | No summary for method getFileDirectory() |
error | 154 | No summary for method isValidateMd5() |
error | 158 | No summary for method getHeaderContentMd5() |
error | 162 | No summary for method getDownloadAndLoadFrequencyDays() |
error | 166 | No summary for method getDownloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds() |
error | 170 | No summary for method isDisableScheduledDownloadAndReload() |
error | 174 | No summary for method getTemporaryFileName() |
error | 178 | No summary for method getSupportedContentTypes() |
error | 182 | Argument $contentType is missing from the Docblock of isContentTypeSupported |
error | 182 | No summary for method isContentTypeSupported() |
error | 186 | No summary for method getDataMetaFile() |
error | 190 | No summary for method getDownloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback() |
error | 194 | Argument $downloadUrl is missing from the Docblock of Builder |
error | 194 | No summary for method Builder() |
error | 14 | No summary for property $downloadUrl |
error | 15 | No summary for property $fileName |
error | 16 | No summary for property $fileExtension |
error | 17 | No summary for property $fileDirectory |
error | 18 | No summary for property $validateMd5 |
error | 19 | No summary for property $headerContentMd5 |
error | 20 | No summary for property $temporaryFileName |
error | 21 | No summary for property $supportedContentTypes |
error | 22 | No summary for property $downloadAndLoadFrequencyDays |
error | 23 | No summary for property $downloadReadTimeoutMilliseconds |
error | 24 | No summary for property $disableScheduledDownloadAndReload |
error | 25 | No summary for property $dataMetaFile |
error | 26 | No summary for property $downloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback |
Type | Line | Description |
error | 0 | No summary was found for this file |
error | 10 | No summary for interface \DeviceAtlas\DataFile\DownloadAndLoadTaskFailureCallback |
error | 11 | Argument $exception is missing from the Docblock of handle |
error | 11 | No summary for method handle() |