# DeviceAtlas Enterprise API Installation #
This section deals with installing the DeviceAtlas Enterprise API.
### Dependencies ###
This library does not depend on any third party libraries.
### Library ###
The DeviceAtlas Enterprise API consists of two libraries and each
library has a separate jar file.
#### DeviceAtlas Enterprise API (deviceatlas-enterprise-java-x.x.jar) ####
This library contains the DeviceAtlas Device and Carrier APIs.
Device detection is achieved by passing a set of request headers or a
user-agent along with optional Client-side properties. Carrier detection
is achieved by passing a set of request headers or an IP address.
#### DeviceAtlas Enterprise API Web (deviceatlas-enterprise-java-web-x.x.jar) ####
This is an extension to the above library where Device and Carrier detection
is achieved by passing a `HttpServletRequest` object. This library retrieves the
relevant headers from the `HttpServletRequest` object. Unless the `HttpServletRequest`
object is not available or when processing an off-line user-agent list or
header set, it is strongly recommended to use this library over the above library.
### Configuration ###
The DeviceAtlas Enterprise API can be added as a dependency to a project using either Maven or Gradle.
#### Gradle ####
The following configuration should be added to the build.gradle file in the project:
Replace LICENCE_KEY with your DeviceAtlas Enterprise licence key.
// DeviceAtlas Enterprise API repository URL
repositories {
maven {
url "https://java-api.deviceatlas.com/LICENCE_KEY/"
dependencies {
implementation (group: "afilias.deviceatlas", name: "deviceatlas-enterprise-java", version: "2.4.5")
// OR
implementation (group: "afilias.deviceatlas", name: "deviceatlas-enterprise-java-web", version: "2.4.5")
#### Maven ####
Add the DeviceAtlas dependency to the pom.xml file in the project.
Replace LICENCE_KEY with your DeviceAtlas Enterprise licence key.
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