# DeviceAtlas Enterprise # Welcome to the DeviceAtlas Enterprise API. The API is designed to be easy to implement and use. To get an instance of an API working with your system, only two components are required: * The API Library files - To perform the look ups based on the headers presented by the visiting browser. * A Data file - To hold the device data. The Data file is updated daily and can be retrieved from the https://deviceatlas.com website, manually or using a script. Once implemented in your infrastructure, you will have the ability to identify thousands of devices per second, without depending on any external systems or services. Following this documentation, it should take you no longer than 30 minutes to implement an API in your environment, using the sample code provided to get started. If you are having trouble implementing any of our APIs, please contact us at <support@deviceatlas.com> and our support team will be happy to assist you. The following items are available in this package: ### Enterprise API Installation ### This section deals with installing the DeviceAtlas Enterprise API. [Read more...](README.Installation.html) ### Data File Configuration ### Automated data file download and load configuration. [Read more...](README.DataFile.html) ### Device Detection ### The DeviceAtlas Device Identification API provides a way to detect devices based on the HTTP headers, user-agent or Make/Model string. The API returns device information such as screen width, screen height, is mobile, vendor, model etc. [Read more...](README.DeviceApi.html) ### Device Identification API Config ### There are multiple factors which might affect API behaviour and performance. [Read more...](README.DeviceApi-Config.html) ### Carrier Identification API ### The DeviceAtlas Carrier Identification API provides a way to lookup Mobile Carrier properties based on an IP address. Using the IP address for a Mobile Carrier the API will return properties such as _networkOperator_, _networkBrand_, _countryCode_, _mcc_ and _mnc_. [Read more...](README.CarrierApi.html) ### API Upgrade ### This document is intended for users of APIs prior to version 2.1. It has three main sections: [Read more...](README.Upgrade.html) ### API Documentation ### - [DeviceAtlas API Docs](./DeviceAtlasApiDocs/index.html) ### Examples ### Example code can be found in the /Examples directory. ### Useful Links ### 1. _Account Page:_ https://deviceatlas.com/user 2. _Data File:_ https://deviceatlas.com/resources/getting-the-data 3. _Properties:_ https://deviceatlas.com/resources/available-properties 4. _User-Agent Tester:_ https://deviceatlas.com/device-data/user-agent-tester ### Support ### Please contact <support@deviceatlas.com> . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Copyright (c) DeviceAtlas Limited 2021. All Rights Reserved. _ https://deviceatlas.com <!-- HTML+JS for document formatting when opened in browser --> <div class="btn-group" id="main-menu" style="float:right"><a class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">Menu<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu"><li class="disabled"><a href="README.html">Main</a></li><li><a href="README.Installation.html">Enterprise API Installation</a></li><li><a href="README.DataFile.html">Data File Configuration</a></li><li><a href="README.DeviceApi.html">Device Detection</a></li><li><a href="README.DeviceApi-Config.html">Device Identification API Config</a></li><li><a href="README.CarrierApi.html">Carrier Identification API</a></li><li class="divider"></li><li><a href="./DeviceAtlasApiDocs/index.html">DeviceAtlas API Docs</a></li><li><a href="README.Upgrade.html">API Upgrade</a></li></ul></div>