The DeviceAtlas DeviceApi documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CDataFileConfigDataFile class represents the data file download/load configuration option.
 CDataFileConfigBuilderFluent builder for the DataFile class.
 CCacheCache interface for the DeviceAtlas APIs.
 CConfigDeviceApi Configurations. To change the default configs of the DeviceAtlas DeviceApi create an instance of this class, set your preferred configs and pass the instance to the constructor of a DeviceApi or DeviceApiWeb. Note that you may change the configs even after the Config instance has been passed to the DeviceApi.
 CClientPropertiesExceptionhe MissingDataException is thrown if a data file was not loaded before a call to methods like GetProperties(string identifier) or GetPropertyNames()
 CDataLoadingExceptionThe DataLoadException is thrown if there is a problem loading the data file.
 CIncorrectPropertyTypeExceptionThe InvalidPropertyException is thrown by the Api class when there is an attempt to fetch a property by type and the property is stored under a different type in the tree.
 CInvalidPropertyNameExceptionThe InvalidPropertyNameException is thrown when an attempt is made to get a property using a property name that does not exist. This typically happens if the property name is misspelled. A full list of possible property names can be found using the GetPropertyNames() method of CarrierApi.
 CJsonExceptionModel of a component's Client-side rule in the trie.
 CMissingDataExceptionhe MissingDataException is thrown if a data file was not loaded before a call to methods like GetProperties(string identifier) or GetPropertyNames()
 CUnknownHostExceptionThe MissingDataException is thrown if a data file was not loaded before a call to methods like GetProperties(string ip) or GetPropertyNames();
 CDataTypeThe data types for various properties. Each Property object returned has a getDataType() method.
 CPropertiesMaps dtring property names to Property objects. An instance of this class is returned for every GetProperties() lookup that matches an IP.
 CPropertyContains a property value. The value can be fetched as a generic Object or one of the convenience asXXXX methods can be used to get the value in a specific type.
 CPropertyBuilderBuilder class to create Property object and cast the value to the correct data type.
 CPropertyNameContains a property name and the expected data type of values associated with this name. This is returned in a Set when the method getPropertyNames() is called.