module DeviceAtlasCloudClient


Welcome to DeviceAtlas Cloud Client API!

DeviceAtlas Cloud is a web service that can return device information such as screen width, screen height, is mobile, vendor, model etc. To see a full list of properties, please visit .

This Client API provides an easy way to query DeviceAtlas Cloud. It provides the ability to cache returned data locally to greatly improve performance and has automatic failover should one of the global DeviceAtlas Cloud endpoints become unavailable. As of version 1.2, the Client API is able to leverage data collected by the DeviceAtlas Client Side Component. This data is sent to DeviceAtlas Cloud to augment the data found from the normal HTTP headers and also allows the detection of the various iPhone and iPad models.

The API is very easy to use:

(1) Install the Ruby Client API gem:

gem install deviceatlas_cloud_ruby-X.X.gem

Add the installed “deviceatlas_cloud_client” gem to the Gemfile of your Rails project if needed.

(2) Include the Client API gem and the controller helper at your Rails controller:

# Client API gem
require 'deviceatlas_cloud_ruby'

class ExampleController < ActionController::Base

        # Controller helper
        include DeviceAtlasCloudClient::ControllerHelper

        def index

                # Code with the following steps


(3) Get the client instance (singleton) and set your licence key:

client = get_deviceatlas_cloud_client_instance
client.settings.licence_key = 'YOUR_LICENCE_KEY'

(4) Get device data (properties)

# Use browser user-agent
device_data = client.get_device_data

# Use built-in test user-agent
device_data = client.get_device_data true

(5) Use device data (properties):

See the list of property names that can be available as hash-keys inside device_data here: The availability of a property depends on the device and your licence, before accessing a property always use has_key() to see if it exists.

The included “example_app” uses the Client API to query DeviceAtlas Cloud and displays a webpage with all the returned properties.

The Client API uses the device User-Agent to determine what device it is. If you are testing using a desktop web browser it is recommended to use a user-agent switcher plugin to modify the browser's user-agent.

Alternatively, simply passing “true” to get_device_data() will make the Client API use a built in test User-Agent.

To get the best results include the DeviceAtlas Client Side Component into your page, that is all you need to do (more details in README file).

The returned data will be as:

device_data[DeviceAtlasCloudClient::KEY_PROPERTIES] # Hash of device properties
device_data[DeviceAtlasCloudClient::KEY_ERROR] # Errors happened while fetching data
device_data[DeviceAtlasCloudClient::KEY_USERAGENT] # User-Agent to query data
device_data[DeviceAtlasCloudClient::KEY_SOURCE] # It shows where the data came from and is one of:
# DeviceAtlasCloudClient::SOURCE_CACHE
# DeviceAtlasCloudClient::SOURCE_CLOUD
# DeviceAtlasCloudClient::SOURCE_NONE


  1. When in test mode and using cookie cache, changing the user-agent will not

update the cookie cache and you have to manually remove the cookie. Because in real life the the cookie is on the system it represents.

  1. It is recommended to always use file cache.

Using cookie cache will cache device info on the user's browser. You can have both caches on, then if device data is found in the cookie it will be used otherwise if data is cached in the files the file cache will be used.



Public Class Methods

get_instance(headers = nil, cookies = nil) click to toggle source

Return a DeviceAtlas client instance based on the singleton pattern.

The client contains all public methods:

get_device_data Get the user device data.

get_servers_latencies Check cloud servers and return a list sorted by latency.

get_cloud_url Get the primary server url.

servers Get the current ranked server list.


Hash of headers from the request.


Hash of cookies from the request.


Client object.