# DeviceAtlas Cloud Client API # DeviceAtlas Cloud is a web service that returns device information such as screen width, screen height, is mobile, vendor, model etc. To see a full list of properties, please visit https://deviceatlas.com/resources/available-properties . This Client API provides an easy way to query DeviceAtlas Cloud. It provides the ability to cache returned data locally to greatly improve performance and has automatic failover should one of the global DeviceAtlas Cloud endpoints become unavailable. This section deals with usage of the DeviceAtlas Cloud API. ## Client Side Library - Apple Device Identification ## In addition to the server-side API, an optional client-side Javascript library is available. This library is important for two reasons: 1. It facilitates identification of Apple devices. Apple devices are _not_ identifiable using only HTTP User-Agent data. 2. It allows for the collection of dynamic or changing properties. When the client-side library is embedded in a web page it collects additional properties from the client's web browser. This data is then sent back to the server and must be passed to the DeviceAtlas Cloud Client along with the HTTP headers. The combination of the client data and the server side data allow for accurate identification of Apple devices. The client-side library may be included on a webpage by adding the following snippet: ```Javascript <!-- Adding the DeviceAtlas client side component to get client side properties --> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cs.deviceatlas-cdn.com/dacs.js" async></script> ``` By default, the client-side library returns the data via a cookie. If this is present in the `HttpRequest` object it will be automatically used. Alternatively, the client data may be returned via AJAX and passed to the server side API manually. For additional information, please see the [Client Side Library](https://docs.deviceatlas.com/apis/clientside/latest/README.ClientSide.html) documentation. ### Basic Usage ### The DeviceAtlas Cloud Client API can be used as follows: How to import the Cloud Client API. ```csharp using Com.DeviceAtlas.Cloud; ``` Get an instance of the API (singleton), set your DeviceAtlas licence key and get the properties. ```csharp Client client = Client.GetInstance(); client.SetLicenceKey(LICENCE_KEY); ``` If you are using the API within a web context, create an instance of the client web wrapper. ```csharp ClientWeb client = ClientWeb.GetInstance(); client.SetLicenceKey(LICENCE_KEY); ``` If you are using the API within a web context in a .NET Framework project, create an instance of the client framework web wrapper. ```csharp ClientWebFramework client = ClientWebFramework.GetInstance(); client.SetLicenceKey(LICENCE_KEY); ``` Detecting based on a set of HTTP headers: ```csharp Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); headers.Add("user-agent", "THE USER AGENT ..."); // add more headers ... // must be inside a try catch block try { /* get the API instance (singleton) */ Client client = Client.GetInstance(); /* set your licence key */ client.SetLicenceKey(licenceKey); /* get device properties - by passing HTTP headers */ Hashtable result = client.GetDeviceDataByHeaders(headers); Hashtable properties = (Hashtable)results[Client.KEY_PROPERTIES]; } catch (Exception ex) { // handle the errors... } ``` Detecting based on a user agent string: ```csharp string userAgent = "THE USER AGENT ..."; // must be inside a try catch block try { /* get the API instance (singleton) */ Client client = Client.GetInstance(); /* set your licence key */ client.SetLicenceKey(licenceKey); /* get device properties - by passing a user agent string */ Hashtable result = client.GetDeviceDataByUserAgent(userAgent); Hashtable properties = (Hashtable)results[Client.KEY_PROPERTIES]; } catch (Exception ex) { // handle the errors... } ``` Use the device properties: ```csharp if (properties.ContainsKey("mobileDevice") && properties["mobileDevice"]) { // example 1: Get the screen width for image optimization int displayWidth = properties.ContainsKey("displayWidth")? properties["displayWidth"]: 100; // example 2: Get the device vendor name string vendor = properties.ContainsKey("vendor")? properties["vendor"]: ""; // example 3: Touch screen optimization bool useBiggerIcons = properties.ContainsKey("touchScreen")? properties["touchScreen"]: false; // example 4: Send Geo Location JS to client? bool supportsGeoLocation = properties.ContainsKey("js.geoLocation")? properties["js.geoLocation"]: false; } ``` #### Proxy #### The following code example shows how to set a WebProxy instance to the API. ```csharp // must be inside a try catch block try { /* get the API instance (singleton) */ Client client = Client.GetInstance(); /* set your licence key */ client.SetLicenceKey(licenceKey); /* set your WebProxy instance */ client.SetProxy(proxy); ... } catch (Exception ex) { // handle the errors... } ``` The availability of a property depends on the device and your licence, before accessing a property always check if it exists in the set or not. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Copyright (c) DeviceAtlas Limited 2024. 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