
in package

Contains a property value. The value can be fetched as a generic Object or one of the convenience asXXXX methods can be used to get the value in a specific type.


Copyright (c) DeviceAtlas Limited 2021. All Rights Reserved.


DeviceAtlas Limited

Table of Contents

$dataTypeId  : mixed
$value  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
Create a new Property with a value and data type.
__toString()  : The
Get the value of the property as string. Alias for asString(). If a property has multiple possible values then the values are concatenated with a comma.
asBoolean()  : The
Get the value of the property as a boolean.
asInteger()  : The
Get the value of the property as an integer.
asSet()  : A
Gets a set of possible values for this property. This is typically only used when it is known that a given property name can have multiple possible values. All items in the set will have the same data type.
asString()  : The
Get the value of the property as string. Alias for asString(). If a property has multiple possible values then the values are concatenated with a comma.
equals()  : bool
Compare two instances of this class.
getDataType()  : string
Get the type name of this property.
getDataTypeId()  : byte
Get the type of this property.
toString()  : The
Get the value of the property as string. Alias for asString(). If a property has multiple possible values then the values are concatenated with a comma.
value()  : The
Get the value of this property. This needs to be cast to the appropriate type such to be used. E.g. value = (int)$property->value();



private static mixed $NOT_CONVERTIBLE_TO_BOOLEAN = 'Property is not convertible to a boolean.'


private static mixed $NOT_CONVERTIBLE_TO_INT = 'Property is not convertible to an int.'



Create a new Property with a value and data type.

public __construct(mixed $value, mixed $dataTypeId) : mixed
$value : mixed
$dataTypeId : mixed
Return values


Get the value of the property as string. Alias for asString(). If a property has multiple possible values then the values are concatenated with a comma.

public __toString() : The
Return values

string value of the property


Gets a set of possible values for this property. This is typically only used when it is known that a given property name can have multiple possible values. All items in the set will have the same data type.

public asSet() : A
Return values

set of values.


Get the value of the property as string. Alias for asString(). If a property has multiple possible values then the values are concatenated with a comma.

public asString() : The
Return values

string value of the property.


Compare two instances of this class.

public equals( $obj) : bool

If both have equal values and data type then returns true.

$obj :

object to be compared against

Return values

Compare result


Get the type name of this property.

public getDataType() : string

See Mobi_Mtld_DA_DataType for a full list of data types.

Return values

The data type name of this property.


Get the type of this property.

public getDataTypeId() : byte

See Mobi_Mtld_DA_DataType for a full list of data types.

Return values

The data type ID of this property.


Get the value of the property as string. Alias for asString(). If a property has multiple possible values then the values are concatenated with a comma.

public toString() : The
Return values

string value of the property


Get the value of this property. This needs to be cast to the appropriate type such to be used. E.g. value = (int)$property->value();

public value() : The
Return values

raw property value.

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