
Mobi_Mtld_DA_Device_UaProps extends Mobi_Mtld_DA_Device_PostWalkRules
in package

This class is used by the main API class and should not be used directly.


DeviceAtlas Limited


Copyright (c) DeviceAtlas Limited 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

UA_RULES  = 'uar'
$branch  : mixed
$treeProvider  : mixed
$regexes  : mixed
$skipIDs  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
putProperties()  : mixed
Merge the tree walk properties with the User-Agent string properties using the User-Agent rules
_checkPropertiesMatch()  : true
This functions checks all the properties in the property matcher branch of this rule group. This branch contains a list of properties and their values.
_extractProperties()  : mixed
This function loops over all the rules in rulesToRun and returns any properties that match. The properties returned can be typed or strings.
_findRulesByProperties()  : An
Try and find User-Agent type and thus the rules to run by using the properties returned from the tree walk. All the properties defined in the property matcher set must match. If a match is found then the rules can be returned.
_findRulesByRegex()  : An
Search for the rules to run by checking the User-Agent with a regex. If there is a match the rule list is returned.
_findRulesToRunByRegex()  : An
Loop over a set of refining rules to try and determine the User-Agent type and so find the rules to run on it.
_initProcessRegexes()  : mixed
Process the regexes by overriding any default ones with API specific regexes.
_preProcessRules()  : mixed
_skipUaRules()  : true
Check list of items that skip rules - these are typically non-mobile boolean properties such as isBrowser, isBot, isCrawler etc



public mixed UA_RULES = 'uar'




public __construct(mixed $tree) : mixed
$tree : mixed
Return values


Merge the tree walk properties with the User-Agent string properties using the User-Agent rules

public putProperties(string $userAgent, array<string|int, mixed> $props2Vals, mixed &$treeProperties) : mixed
$userAgent : string

The User-Agent to find properties for

$props2Vals : array<string|int, mixed>

The results of the tree walk, map of property id to value id

$treeProperties : mixed
Return values


This functions checks all the properties in the property matcher branch of this rule group. This branch contains a list of properties and their values.

private static _checkPropertiesMatch(array<string|int, mixed> $propList, array<string|int, mixed> $props2Vals) : true

All must match for this function to return true.

In reality the properties and values are indexes to the main property and value arrays.

$propList : array<string|int, mixed>

The list of properties to check for matches

$props2Vals : array<string|int, mixed>

The results of the tree walk, map of property id to value id

Return values

if ALL properties match, false otherwise


This function loops over all the rules in rulesToRun and returns any properties that match. The properties returned can be typed or strings.

private _extractProperties(array<string|int, mixed> $rulesToRun, string $userAgent, mixed &$treeProperties) : mixed
$rulesToRun : array<string|int, mixed>

The rules to run against the User-Agent to find the properties

$userAgent : string

The User-Agent to find properties for

$treeProperties : mixed
Return values


Try and find User-Agent type and thus the rules to run by using the properties returned from the tree walk. All the properties defined in the property matcher set must match. If a match is found then the rules can be returned.

private _findRulesByProperties(string $userAgent, array<string|int, mixed> $props2Vals) : An
$userAgent : string

The User-Agent to find properties for

$props2Vals : array<string|int, mixed>

The results of the tree walk, map of property id to value id

Return values

array of rules to run against the User-Agent or NULL if no rules are found


Search for the rules to run by checking the User-Agent with a regex. If there is a match the rule list is returned.

private _findRulesByRegex(string $userAgent) : An
$userAgent : string

The User-Agent to find properties for

Return values

array of rules to run against the User-Agent or NULL if no rules are found


Loop over a set of refining rules to try and determine the User-Agent type and so find the rules to run on it.

private _findRulesToRunByRegex(string $userAgent, array<string|int, mixed> $ruleSet, string $type) : An
$userAgent : string

The User-Agent to find properties for

$ruleSet : array<string|int, mixed>

The ruleset that contains the search regex id, refine regex id and the magical rulesToRun

$type : string

The type of rule to run either Refine or Search

Return values

array of rules to run against the User-Agent or NULL if no rules are found


Process the regexes by overriding any default ones with API specific regexes.

private _initProcessRegexes() : mixed
Return values


private _preProcessRules() : mixed
Return values


Check list of items that skip rules - these are typically non-mobile boolean properties such as isBrowser, isBot, isCrawler etc

private _skipUaRules(mixed $props2Vals) : true
$props2Vals : mixed
Return values

if the UA rules are to be skipped, FALSE if they are to be run

Search results