
in package

DeviceApi Configurations. To change the default configs of the DeviceAtlas DeviceApi create an instance of this class, set your preferred configs and pass the instance to the constructor of a DeviceApi or DeviceApiWeb. Note that you may change the configs even after the Config instance has been passed to the DeviceApi.


DeviceAtlas Limited


Copyright (c) DeviceAtlas Limited 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

The default cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.
The default config value for getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) to check the Accept-Language header and include properties to the property set for getting client's language and locale preferences.
The default config value for getProperties() to include the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.
The default config value for getProperties() to include User-Agent dynamic properties.
The default config value for getProperties() return value when there was no properties. true = if no properties return null, false = if no property return an instance of Properties with no Property inside it.
$cacheProvider  : mixed
$cookieName  : mixed
$ignoreDataFileChanges  : mixed
$includeLangProps  : mixed
$includeMatchInfo  : mixed
$includeUaProps  : mixed
$optimizerTempDir  : mixed
$returnNullWhenNoProperties  : mixed
$useTreeOptimizer  : mixed
getCacheProvider()  : Mobi_Mtld_DA_CacheProvider_CacheProviderInterface
Get the cache provider instance being used by the API to cache the lookup results.
getCookieName()  : string
Get the cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.
getIgnoreDataFileChanges()  : bool
Get if the data file optimizer should do data file update automatic checking.
getIncludeLangProps()  : bool
Get if the language/locale properties are being included in the property set or not.
getIncludeMatchInfo()  : bool
To get if getProperties() include the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.
getIncludeUaProps()  : bool
Get if the User-Agent properties are being included in the property set or not.
getOptimizerTempDir()  : string
Get the temp directory path in which the optimizer puts the cached files.
getReturnNullWhenNoProperties()  : bool
Get if the value returned by getProperties() should be null when there are no properties to return or an instance of Properties that has no Property inside it should be returned.
getUseTreeOptimizer()  : bool
To get data optimization status. Optimizing the data file will dramatically reduce the memory foot print and data file loading speed. It is highly recommend to turn this config on when detecting devices in real-time using DeviceAtlasWeb.<br/> When this config is on, the API will automatically divide the data file into smaller pieces and cache them on the disk, the cached data will be used for lookups afterwards. The API detects data file updates and will update the cache.
setCacheProvider()  : mixed
Set a cache provider to the API to cache the lookup results. This will dramatically increase the lookup performance in most situations. It is highly recommend to use this config when detecting devices in real-time using DeviceAtlasWeb.
setCookieName()  : mixed
To change the cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.
setIgnoreDataFileChanges()  : mixed
When data file optimizer is set to true using the "setUseTreeOptimizer()" config, the API will try to use a batch of optimized cached files instead of the original data file, the API will do several checks to pick between the cached data file or the passed data file. While this makes the API automatically sense and update the cached files. However if you manually update the optimizer caches using the provided CLI tool (ExtraTools/DeviceApi/data-file-optimizer.php) the checking is redundant and unnecessary, using this setting you can turn this checking off.
setIncludeLangProps()  : mixed
To disable or enable getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) including language and locale properties. To check the Accept-Language header and include properties to the property set for getting client's language and locale preferences set to true.
setIncludeMatchInfo()  : mixed
To disable or enable getProperties() including the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.
setIncludeUaProps()  : mixed
To disable or enable getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) including language and locale properties. To check the Accept-Language header and include properties to the property set for getting client's language and locale preferences set to true.
setOptimizerTempDir()  : mixed
When optimizer is turned on, the cached files will be put inside the system directory by default, you can change the default optimizer temp/cache directory with this method.
setReturnNullWhenNoProperties()  : mixed
Set if the value returned by the getProperties() method should be null when there are no properties to return or whether an empty Properties object should be returned instead.
setUseTreeOptimizer()  : mixed
To optimize data. Optimizing the data file will dramatically reduce the memory foot print and data file loading speed. It is highly recommend to turn this config on when detecting devices in real-time using DeviceAtlasWeb.<br/> When this config is on, the API will automatically divide the data file into smaller pieces and cache them on the disk, the cached data will be used for lookups afterwards. The API detects data file updates and will update the cache.


The default cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.


When using getProperties() in a web application, the detection would automatically use the contents of this cookie if it exists. If you want the client side properties to be used add the DeviceAtlas client side component (JS lib) to your web-site pages.


The default config value for getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) to check the Accept-Language header and include properties to the property set for getting client's language and locale preferences.

public mixed DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LANG_PROPS = \true


The default config value for getProperties() to include the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.

public mixed DEFAULT_INCLUDE_MATCH_INFO = \false


The default config value for getProperties() to include User-Agent dynamic properties.

public mixed DEFAULT_INCLUDE_UA_PROPS = \true


The default config value for getProperties() return value when there was no properties. true = if no properties return null, false = if no property return an instance of Properties with no Property inside it.




private mixed $cacheProvider


private mixed $cookieName = self::DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME


private mixed $ignoreDataFileChanges = \false


private mixed $includeLangProps = self::DEFAULT_INCLUDE_LANG_PROPS


private mixed $includeMatchInfo = self::DEFAULT_INCLUDE_MATCH_INFO


private mixed $includeUaProps = self::DEFAULT_INCLUDE_UA_PROPS


private mixed $optimizerTempDir


private mixed $returnNullWhenNoProperties = self::DEFAULT_RETURN_NULL_WHEN_NO_PROPERTIES


private mixed $useTreeOptimizer = \false



Get the cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.

public getCookieName() : string

When using getProperties() in a web application, the detection would automatically use the contents of this cookie if it exists. If you want the client side properties to be used add the DeviceAtlas client side component (JS lib) to your web-site pages.
When the user-agent or HTTP headers are set manually to getProperties() the client side properties (probably the value set to the cookie) can be manually passed to this methods as the second argument, note that this config is only used for getProperties(REQUEST-OBJECT).

Return values

The cookie name which the client side properties are set to


Get if the data file optimizer should do data file update automatic checking.

public getIgnoreDataFileChanges() : bool
Return values

true=include ua properties


Get if the language/locale properties are being included in the property set or not.

public getIncludeLangProps() : bool
Return values

true=include lang properties


To get if getProperties() include the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.

public getIncludeMatchInfo() : bool
Return values

true=include match info properties


Get if the User-Agent properties are being included in the property set or not.

public getIncludeUaProps() : bool
Return values

true=include ua properties


Get the temp directory path in which the optimizer puts the cached files.

public getOptimizerTempDir() : string
Return values

path to the optimizer temp directory


Get if the value returned by getProperties() should be null when there are no properties to return or an instance of Properties that has no Property inside it should be returned.

public getReturnNullWhenNoProperties() : bool
Return values

true=return null instead of empty array


To get data optimization status. Optimizing the data file will dramatically reduce the memory foot print and data file loading speed. It is highly recommend to turn this config on when detecting devices in real-time using DeviceAtlasWeb.<br/> When this config is on, the API will automatically divide the data file into smaller pieces and cache them on the disk, the cached data will be used for lookups afterwards. The API detects data file updates and will update the cache.

public getUseTreeOptimizer() : bool
Return values

true=data optimizer is on


To change the cookie name that the client side properties would be set to.

public setCookieName(mixed $cookieName) : mixed

When using getProperties() in a web application, the detection would automatically use the contents of this cookie if it exists. If you want the client side properties to be used add the DeviceAtlas client side component (JS lib) to your web-site pages.
When the user-agent or HTTP headers are set manually to getProperties() the client side properties (probably the value set to the cookie) can be manually passed to this methods as the second argument, note that this config is only used for getProperties(REQUEST-OBJECT). If you set the cookie-name to null then the client-side properties cookie will be ignored.

$cookieName : mixed
Return values


When data file optimizer is set to true using the "setUseTreeOptimizer()" config, the API will try to use a batch of optimized cached files instead of the original data file, the API will do several checks to pick between the cached data file or the passed data file. While this makes the API automatically sense and update the cached files. However if you manually update the optimizer caches using the provided CLI tool (ExtraTools/DeviceApi/data-file-optimizer.php) the checking is redundant and unnecessary, using this setting you can turn this checking off.

public setIgnoreDataFileChanges(mixed $ignoreDataFileChanges) : mixed
$ignoreDataFileChanges : mixed
Return values


To disable or enable getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) including language and locale properties. To check the Accept-Language header and include properties to the property set for getting client's language and locale preferences set to true.

public setIncludeLangProps(mixed $includeLangProps) : mixed

If you do not use this properties you can set this config to false to make the detection marginally faster.

$includeLangProps : mixed
Return values


To disable or enable getProperties() including the matched and unmatched parts of the User-Agent to the property set.

public setIncludeMatchInfo(mixed $includeMatchInfo) : mixed
$includeMatchInfo : mixed
Return values


To disable or enable getProperties(HEADERS) or getProperties(REQUEST) including language and locale properties. To check the Accept-Language header and include properties to the property set for getting client's language and locale preferences set to true.

public setIncludeUaProps(mixed $includeUaProps) : mixed

If you do not use this properties you can set this config to false to make the detection marginally faster.

$includeUaProps : mixed
Return values


When optimizer is turned on, the cached files will be put inside the system directory by default, you can change the default optimizer temp/cache directory with this method.

public setOptimizerTempDir(mixed $optimizerTempDir) : mixed
$optimizerTempDir : mixed
Return values


Set if the value returned by the getProperties() method should be null when there are no properties to return or whether an empty Properties object should be returned instead.

public setReturnNullWhenNoProperties(mixed $returnNullWhenNoProperties) : mixed
$returnNullWhenNoProperties : mixed
Return values


To optimize data. Optimizing the data file will dramatically reduce the memory foot print and data file loading speed. It is highly recommend to turn this config on when detecting devices in real-time using DeviceAtlasWeb.<br/> When this config is on, the API will automatically divide the data file into smaller pieces and cache them on the disk, the cached data will be used for lookups afterwards. The API detects data file updates and will update the cache.

public setUseTreeOptimizer(mixed $useTreeOptimizer) : mixed
$useTreeOptimizer : mixed
Return values

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